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birthday suit

A legal proceeding that you file against a stripper, seeking monetary compensation for the disappointment you suffered when he/she didn't "bare it all" for your once-a-year special occasion.

Exotic dancers should always take out indemnity-insurance against birthday suits.

by QuacksO June 9, 2018

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Birthday suit

Basically naked , the way one is born , defined by renowned spokesmen M o h a k C

I feel really comfortable roaming around home in my birthday Suit.

by fragger123 November 27, 2017

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Suit

When you have nothing on. Completely naked.

The night I got back from my tour of duty, my lady put on her birthday suit.

by jimmyjump December 29, 2011

302πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

birthday suiting

the act of displaying a close friendship between two friends by getting as undressed as you both feel comfortable and either hugging, snuggling, or any display of affection you feel apropriate. pushing the limits is encouraged.

john and sally get in there underware and hug to show there love & friendship for each other. they are officially birthday suiting

by master69man August 22, 2011

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The Brown Birthday Suit

The Brown Birthday Suit - On your birthday, your partner holds a lit birthday candle in their mouth. You sing happy birthday to yourself (because there's a candle in your partner's mouth). After finishing your birthday song, you blow out the candle with a forceful diarrhea spray. Usually, it happens at the height of the birthday celebration.

My mom wanted to give me the brown birthday suit, but I got her to give it to my dad instead.

by ToastyStephen69 August 17, 2019

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Birthday Suit Pictures

Keemstars Retarded way of saying nudes

Keem: β€œOMG CallMeCarson sent birthday suit pictures to minors”
Giga Chad: Stfu Keem I’m watching scarce

by hydratedpogey May 5, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

wrinkle your birthday suit

Cramping one's style.

The loss of or inability to get an erection.

You sure riding the moped tonight won't wrinkle your birthday suit?

Your fat cousin really wrinkles my birthday suit.

by Mike's Bar Guide December 28, 2007

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