Source Code

cherry picker

1. A fruit farmer

2. Someone who picks the "cherries" of young girls i.e. frees them from their virginity

1. This year's crops were bad, so the cherry picker applied for a farming subsidy.

2. Billy-bob was the town cherry picker. No girl was safe. He thought he was entitled to a farming subsidy too.

by Nick October 18, 2003

16πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

cherry picker

1. When you scratch your balls so much that they crack and start to bleed.
2. When you finger a girl when she's on her period.

Dude, I was scratching my balls a lot last night and I darn gave myself a cherry picker.

Jenna and I where about to have intercourse but I found out that she was on her period, so I just gave her a cherry picker.

by DYLANNNNNNNNNNNN. April 10, 2006

14πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

cherry picker

Vestigial penis formed from the enlarged clitoris of certain intersex individuals. So named as it is sometimes the first foreign object to penetrate the individual's vagina, usually during the teen years.

Jade thrust her rounded breasts forward, reaching down, slowly sliding off her skirt, exposing her nice 4 inch cherry picker to her somewhat apprehensive boyfriend.

by randomness November 28, 2003

13πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

cherry picker

The boom and bucket on a truck or van, designed to reach trees, phone lines, power lines, etc...

Jerry was up in the cherry picker while Dan set out the cones.

by Kristina5979 May 5, 2008

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Cherry picker

A person who scores the goal after all the hard work has been done by others.

It is not necessarily a bad thing to be a cherry picker, as often, the person who does do the hard work is unable to finish the job himself.

Person 1: Sigh, stupid number 11 is such a cherry picker.
Person 2: Yes, but you can expect, number 23 to get the ball past 3 defenders and the goalie...

by kaldoscope July 24, 2010

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Cherry Picker

A n00b who waits till the VERY end of a kill run and steals the kill with only a few hits. The n00b THINKS they got all the glory of the kill, instead they just annoy the 10 other people who poured all their turns and military into that country in the first place!

Damnit Marlz, Franky cherry picked another ktr!! BOOT HIS ASS!!

by Nostej September 26, 2004

134πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

cherry pickers

People who shop at a place for the best deals. They do so without purchasing any regular items - considered undesirable, typically, by the store management.

Also used to describe certain hedge fund managers who allot their best investments to the hedge fund held by family and allot other investments to other hedge funds that they managed - possibly against rules (if registered).

β€œEach week when our new sales get published, the cherry pickers come and buy us out of the best items,” the store clerk said.

by lu_b June 24, 2011

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž