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chirp chirp

When you clasp your scrotum and penis in your hands as to hide its contents from view. Then patiently wait for unsuspecting women to approach; when they asked what’s in your hands say it’s a little bird you caught and are trying to nurse back to health. When you are asked to see it, play hard to get and say, "You don't want to see it". When they pressure you some more you are to reveal your fully exposed scrotum and penis and immediately say "CHIRP... CHIRP”!

Timmy got fired from his job at the public swimming pool for playing the "CHIRP CHIRP" game on minors.

by T-CUP July 3, 2015

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Chirp Chirp

Popular in Muncie, Indiana, USA and in geographical areas boasting large concentrations of Ball State University alumni, "Chirp Chirp" is a blood-curdling cheer used to instill fear and terror into the hearts of opposing schools who dare to step onto the same field, court, ring, ice rink, drinking establishment, etc. with a Ball State Cardinal. It is derivative of the sound emitted from the fiercest robin-sized bird known to man, the Midwest American cardinal. Not always used to intimidate, "chirp chirp" can also be a jovial cheer expressing praise or acclaim as its user may employ it to convey general pride for their school.

Person one: Duuuuuuuuude! Did you see Ball State take down Notre Dame tonight? Persons hit a last second shot to ice the game!

Person two: Chirp Chirp.

by Bob's Oasis December 6, 2017

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chirp Chirp!!

A chirp is a signal in which the frequency increases ('up-chirp') or decreases ('down-chirp') with time. In some sources, the term chirp is used interchangeably with sweep signal. It is commonly used in sonar and radar, but has other applications....

Phoentic Spelling would be (Ch-erp or Ch-urp)
In this case the Term is "Chirp Chirp" Originally from the Cincinnati area of Ohio State. Later making its way closer to the Town of Akron and now commonly used around the NE side of Ohio.

Another definition similar of this can be "Mac & Cheeze" or "Steak and Potatoes" (Look at Definition/Example for reference to Steak and Potatoes)

Yo man look at that girl over there!! "Chirp!""Chirp Chirp!!"or Chirp Chirppppp!!

A Hot girl walking up the street or sidewalk past you--you look back and look at her body and in an outside voice yell "Chirp Chirp"! or can also be followed by DayUmmmm! or Damnnnnn!

An example of Mac and Cheeze would be two girls walking together one not as attractive as the other and the hotter one would be the Mac cuz you want to"Mac" that and the other girl is the Cheeze, not saying she cant be good looking just not as good as the Mac....the Cheeze can be good looking if its not burnt around the edges.

by ChirpGod January 17, 2012

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

chirp chirp

They sound of Nextel Direct-connect usage

Yo Hakim Hitz me up on da chirp chirp when you wanna getz some OE (Old English 800)

by George Davino March 24, 2005

27πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

chirp chirp

A term used by retarded ghetto people with no credit to describe Nextel

Yo, i need ta find out if I qualify fo 'dat chirp chirp shit

by KGz April 21, 2004

34πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


The process of talking large amounts of shit, towards stupid individuals.

While playing online games one may 'Chirp' towards all of the noob players.

Before, During, or After a fight, the individuals fighting will often 'Chirp' each other.

Bob: Eh look at all these kids chirping us, let's fight!

by [BA]RedBeard February 28, 2008

435πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž


1.To insult someone
2. To have an insult battle
3. To burn somone

"Griffin is Chirping Alex"

by Tech_Mage March 23, 2013

73πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž