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A large bird-like creature that is used mainly for riding or in other situations, racing for example.

A chocobo can vary in different colours too, from the common yellow to the rarer green or blue types.

A chocobo is known to make sounds such as " wark " or " kweh ".

There is a legend that a golden chocobo exists, though this is yet to be proven...


by Towneh April 29, 2003

19๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


A bird in the Final Fantasy (FF) series thats comes in normal(yellow),fat(fat ass bird), red, black(can fly i think), blue (can swim) and others in abilitys and colors

for more info, play FF7

I just made a fat ass chocobo land on my enemies. They when SMACK!

by RyoGen June 25, 2004

9๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cute, fluffy bird that is derived from the Final Fantasy series. First appeared in FF2, and has been carried on till today. It can fly and walk around on water varied by the color of the chocobo. They go 'khew' and are mainly used to get around the world map without getting into battles. They come in quite handy when low on HP. THE CUTEST FUCKING BIRD EVER! :D

Cloud got on ze chocobo and didnt get into a battle not once.

When barret got on the chocobo, it died because barret is fat.

by Yanisaurus_rex September 10, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


An insult that means someone's a giant yellow bellied chicken. Named after the bird from Final Fantasy which is basically a giant yellow chicken,

Scenario 1
3 mates about to see a horror movie
cowardly friend: Guys I changed my mind. I don't wanna see this movie, it looks too scary!
Friend 1: Ah come on man, don't be chicken.
Cowardly friend:I'm not! The man on the poster looks scary! I'm not seeing this!
Friend 2:Mate you're such a chocobo!
Friend 1: Chocobo! Choboco! Is the big chocobo scared of a horror movie?
Cowardly friend: Screw you guys!

Scenario 2
Marty bumps into Biff at a diner
Biff:Hey watch where you're going butthead! Now I'm gonna pound you!
Marty:No thanks Biff I was just leaving.
Biff: What's McFly? You Chocobo?
Marty's face goes bright red and swells up with rage

by mrperson123 November 2, 2017


A large birdlike creature whose lineage stems from the Wyvern. Chocobos can come in several different colours and with several different abilities. One example of this would be the Yellow and Black Chocobos.

"Hey Cecil, let's get the Black Chocobo and just FLY to see Musoya."

by NeverwaY February 16, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Black Chocobos

1.) A Chocobo is a useful Final Fantasy character that closely resembles an ostrich, but has unique powers to aid in travel over the in-game world. The Black Chocobo is one of the rarest types of Chocobo and has the abilities of all other Chocobos combined.

2.) A fantasy football team name run by Bill Waxman. The Black Chocobos are winners of multiple fantasy Championships and can be found in leagues across the web, such as Yahoo!.com, ESPN.com football.billwaxman.com and theasfl.com/asfl2 (The All Sports Fantasy League).

Owner 1: Look who has to play The Black Chocobos now!
Owner 2: Oh yeah, the Pastafarians are going down!!

by captainbill47 September 13, 2009

Gold Chocobo

A creature obtained in Final Fantasy by far too much inbreeding. Mostly retarded, they can't tell the difference between any terrain they walk on.

Man, your Gold Chocobo is MESSED UP!

by Jarrod, June 11, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž