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Consensual Nonconsensuality

The act of giving the consent while pretending not to consent (in BDSM). This term was coined by Biaman Basu in The Commerce of Peoples: Sadomasochism and African American Literature. This action involves two participants and their willing to test the waters. For example, one partner pretends not to like being tied up while the other pretends to force it. Another example, in literature, is reading a text that is fragmented and irritating, but still stimulating. Both parties agree ahead of time as to what lines cannot be crossed, but can still be taunted, and as always, a safe word is used to ensure protection.

Before the play scene:

Bob: I'm going to beg you to stop whipping me, but please don't.

Sally: Ok, I've got your consensual nonconsensuality.

During the play scene:

Bob: Oh Sally! Please stop! You are hurting me!

(Sally doesn't stop)

by M.Hanks April 7, 2014

51๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

consensual text

consensual text describes a mutual textually satisfying relationship between two consenting adults.

Jim: Man!!! That's the 7th text you've received in the last five minutes...isn't that a bit too intense?

Mike: No, I like it. It's just consensual text.

by MikeBus November 19, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Internet Consensus

A subject that is of general and mutual agreement among the majority of internet users. This subject will typically spark little to no controversy when an opinion pertaining to it is discussed. When a disagreement arises in relation to the Internet Consensus it is usually disputed by someone who is wrong. Because it is widely accepted as a fact it thus becomes a fact.

Example(s) of Internet Consensus(es):

1: Firefly is the greatest work of television of all time.

2: Justin Bieber is awful.

by So-Called Person July 19, 2013

consensual rape

When you ask someone if you can rape them and they agree or give their consent to it.

Russel: Can I rape you?
Ditty: Yes
Russel: Yes I now can consensual rape you

by Zapp Clan April 9, 2019

160๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Consensual lie

A lie that everyone agrees with despite evidence to the contrary

Republicans bought into the consensual lie that Donald Trump was qualified to be President.

Politicians agree to the consensual lie that taking gifts from lobbyists doesn't make them corrupt.

by deli guy October 21, 2016

consensual sex

Sex in which consent was given by both parties. Sex with mutual consent.

I love my partner! We have consensual sex, when we are both ready, and willing, and happy to have sex with each other!

by brainintheclouds August 3, 2014

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Consensual Penis

A wreslter gripping his guy

Oh look, enzo amore is gripping his consensual penis

by ZAIRBI July 23, 2018

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