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originating in las vegas, cozy is an adjective describing something that is super cool, fun exciting, the bees knees.

dude, that club last night was hella cozy!

by bmunny July 24, 2010

29👍 27👎


Adj. Adv.A certain feeling obtained by a situation or object.

We're cooking dinner tonight? That's cozy!

(Seeing an old man sitting on a bench eating ice cream.) COZY!

Did you see Amy's new phone? COZY!

by Lori B. September 18, 2006

16👍 27👎


A sense of contentment, comfort, and warmth.

A mug of cocoa, a romance novel, and my favorite blanket: that's my idea of coziness on a lonely day at home.

I envy cats sometimes; they seem able to curl up and find coziness almost anywhere.

by Ingeborg S. Nordén May 15, 2006

36👍 6👎


1. giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation
2. feeling fresh as hell or feeling lit

Example 1:
"My brand new pillow felt very cozy last night"

Example 2:
Person: Ayy look at this outfit
Other person: Okay okay, deadass lookin cozy as a motherfucka. Shits fresh as fuck, my guy

by HungryAsian January 6, 2017


any opiate based medications prescribed for pain that makes you feel warm and content.

My buddy, Doug, called me today sounding very sentimental and relaxed. It turns out he had just been to the dentist and ol’ boy gave him a ‘script for twenty cozies with one refill.

by Ace Fantagious May 25, 2021


1.) Referring to a certain area, region, or address that distributes street industry commonly known where the main port or racket of drugs is. Drug dealers are known to re-up or stock-up from cozies. Most hood figures- drug dealers, dope boys, and hustlers- are common with knowing where the cozy is located but the area isn’t easy to find when you’re an average or just a local in your area. The term ‘cozy’ is used commonly and in the open but once again, isn’t known by most civilians of the area where it really is---2.)A secret racket of street industry.

Person 1: Where we gonna' get the trees?
Person 2: I'm fixing to go to the cozy, i'll be back in a minute.

by Newport March 4, 2008

27👍 16👎


Another term for awesome or wicked

That party on Saturday was Cozy

by Veley January 31, 2022