Source Code

fall off the truck

UK slag,

Stolen goods. articles who's origin is not strictly legal.
(also 'fall off the back of a lorry')

"Nice telly"
"Yeah fell of the back of a truck"

by black flag June 5, 2004

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Falling off the bench

when someone’s life begins to fall apart.(drugs, debt, women, etc.)

I have to say I’ve been falling off the bench recently, but I’m in the process of getting back on

by suicidal dog April 17, 2019

falling off the roof

A southerner's way of saying that they are menstruating or are on their period.

"I've been in such a bad mood this week. I guess it's because I've been 'falling off the roof'."

by Devanee May 21, 2006

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fall off the roof

to start one's period

Jack: Hey man, you get some from Francine last night?
Harold: Nah, man. Jovie had to fall off the roof on Monday so none this week.
Jack: At least she ain't pregnant, yo!

by G. Wells March 1, 2006

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fall off the couch

to be depressed after being happy or excited. Refer to β€˜jump the couch’.

The boy was informed that he passed the exam; but when he came to know later that he had actually failed, he fell off the couch (past form of fall off the couch).

by uttam maharjan July 4, 2012

fall off the truck

1. The action by which an item (primarily electronics) becomes stock at a store.

2. A term associated with mob franchises and the fencing of stolen goods.

"So Bob, how can you afford a plasma screen tv, with you being out of work and all?"

"I picked it up cheap from a guy who said it fell off the back of a truck."

by Siegand, Archbishop of Canterbury June 4, 2004

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Falling Off The Perc

A meaning when you say something very weird or cringy or mostly dumb and you keep acting goofy about it.

My friend is Falling Off The Perc when he was shoving hot dogs in his mouth.
My friend is Falling Off The Perc for calling my other friend a terrorist because of race.

by BlackBirdWiles May 16, 2022

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