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Mole Frijole

To pour chocolate sauce on a Hispanic man's dick & give him a blowjob. When he nuts on said partner, it becomes the Mole Frijole.

Guy 1: She went down on me & started giving me head & I ended up nutting on her.

Guy 2: Dang! She loves Hispanics?

Guy 1: Yeah, she gave me a Mole Frijole. I don't think she would have done that if she didn't like 'em.

by CoolDude 1 October 14, 2016

208๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

mole frijole

1. n/v: pouring chocolate sauce on your partner's backside and then tossing their salad.
2. n: that 'special' chunky coating on a male or a toy's exterior after anal intercourse.

When he went south-of-the-border with his lover he gave her the most fantastic mole frijole known to humankind.

by m. sherman March 31, 2008

671๐Ÿ‘ 380๐Ÿ‘Ž

Frijole Fever

Condition arising from the over consumption of mexican-style beans, i.e. refried beans, pinto beans, borracho beans, or black beans.

Depending on one's tolerance for spicy foods, Frijole Fever can also be triggered from the consumption of salsas, pico de gallo, or other mexican-style sauces.

Symptomology: Symptoms can be seen as soon as immediately following the consumption of the trigger, and last for hours, or days depending on tolerance. Symptoms include painful stomach aches, intestinal discomfort or cramping, and is most often accompanied by the excessive and often uncontrollable passing of wet, smelly gas (fart), and may or may not include diarrhea (the squirts). Actual fevers are extremely rare. Any increase in body heat or excessive sweating is attributed to the stress on the body from the intestinal discomfort, or the fear of shitting their pants. Should a true fever in excess of 101F be present, one should seek medical attention as this is a sign of infection from foodborne bacteria.

Remedies: Drink plenty of water if you feel you have Frijole Fever as this will help speed the progression of the condition. consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over the counter medication.

"Dave's acting pretty weird today, and his office smells like shit. What's his deal?

"He ate five bean and cheese tacos this morning for breakfast with extra pico and a side of borracho beans. Now, he's got a case of Frijole Fever."

by FuddledWords August 20, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Holy frijole

1) An exclamation of amazement. See also holy cow and holy moly.

2) Beans that are so good they have achieved sainthood.

Melissa: I just won a billion dollars!
David: Holy frijole! That's a lot of money!

David: These beans are really good.
Elizabeth: These beans aren't just good, they're holy frijoles!

by MED August 19, 2004

46๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stirin' the Frijoles

anal intercourse with a mexican chick

Dude, I totally stired the frijoles with Jaunita last night!

by Anonymous October 9, 2003

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Senor Frijoles

A name given to those with exceptional culinary and velvety-furred abilities.

1. " Who dat bitch tink she is??,,,,Senor Frijoles??"
2. "Naw he ain't shiiiat yo!"

by BigPiempin February 1, 2010

Papi Frijoles

A Mega Chad, that sometimes acts very gay. Says racial slurs with confidence, at least in private, and loves honey mustard pringles. Translates to daddy beans or father beans.

Papi Frijoles is the gayest man on the planet!

by WatermelonBot December 24, 2021

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