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Front Loader

a Noun used to affend someone such as idiot or gay

FL- Hey dude!
Person- Go away you crazy Front Loader!!

by Lenora June 27, 2008

1👍 22👎

front-end loader

When a woman passes solid feces and uses the "log" as a dildo.

I lost my erection so I gave her a front-end loader (in order to get it back).

by Comic Event of the Century May 3, 2007

48👍 23👎

Front-end loader

A machine that has a bucket up front to pick up dirt. Can be a attachment to a Tractor to increase the usability of a tractor.

Loaders are often on wheels, but can be found on tracks. They are used in Contruction and industry.

"Use the loader to move those rocks."

by Puffie40 November 17, 2004

26👍 14👎

front-end loader

Hollowing out the end of a cigarette, removing the tobacco and replacing it with cannabis.

I didn't have my bong or some rolling papers, so I did a front-end loader with a borrowed smoke.

by July 2, 2013

5👍 1👎

front-end loader

A person who takes the cock in their mouth and enjoys it.

O my, that guy is a front-end loader!

by savloader January 24, 2006

21👍 16👎

Front End Loader

Taking a dump on a girls chest while getting jacked off.

Steve: Hannah gave me a solid "Front End Loader" last night.
Russ: Oh yeah? That girl has great multitasking skills!

by Russ the Boss August 14, 2012

1👍 4👎

Front Loader

When you squat over a toilet to shit, but the shit hits the front of the bowl, not allowing the water to flush it down

I dropped a Front Loader in the toilet at West Penn Hospital and had to grab some TP and help it along

by Fhdbshdnsh April 8, 2016