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A polite way of telling someone you haven't heard a word they said. Commonly used on long conference calls, when the speaker is monotonous, boring, or couldn't make a point of one were drawn for them.

Joe: "Blah, blah corporate office blah, blah, leverage proactively blah, blah human capital and grade-A synergy, blah, blah. Do you agree, Jim?"

Jim: "I'm sorry, Joe, I was multitasking, can you repeat that?"

by workinglate March 9, 2005

1170πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž


A nice way to say that you're doing many different things at the same time. And since no one can divide by 0, that means you're doing many different things half-assed.

Joe thought that he would multitask by doing his physics homework during his math class. His multitasking, however, got him a detention and a failed homework grade instead.

by Joe Sabs February 12, 2007

151πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


1)Surfing the internet while carrying on an instant message conversaation.
2)Carrying on multiple instant message converations at the same time. Beware of typing something relevant to the wrong conversation.

1)While I chatted with my girlfriend on AIM, I looked up multitasking on Urban Dictionary.
2) person: ...and then my brother was eaten alive by emus.
Me: Yeah, dude, that's hilarious!
person: What the hell!? How is that funny, you sick f***!?
Me: Sorry, I was multitasking. A guy in another AIM conversation told me a joke.

by TubaGuitarMan February 12, 2007

86πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


The act of looking at pornography and instant messaging at the same time.

"I was multitasking so much last night, best IMs ever."

by Raeko November 24, 2007

37πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


When a female or male is "courting" two or more partners at the same time. It's basically a more polite way to call a person a slut or comment on lack of character. Referred to especially when said person "multitasker" has a current relationship with someone else. Multitasking is considered the gateway to cheating and can also be considered cheating.

Tom: Wow, Susan has a boyfriend, yet she's talking to two other dudes.

Will: Damn, she's multitasking like that?

Tom: Yea man, she's straight windows 7..

by Cags Mahoney November 23, 2009

17πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1. To accomplish two or more tasks simultaneously.

2. The act of a CPU concurrently executing two or more interrelated or disassociated job processes.

1. Girls are exceptional at multitasking; they can use chat on Instant Messenger, write emails, surf the internet, talk on their cellular phone, all while applying makeup and talking with their girlfriends about the new boy at school; however, if you ask them an intelligent question their heads will implode.

2. Intel's new CPU with multi-threading allows the processor to multitask without an additional processing core.

by Christopher M. Vanderwall-Brown August 7, 2007

31πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


a word used to suggest a sexual action between a girl/guy or girl/girl or guy/guy


such as intense makeout sessions, etc

hey Kaylee..wanna "multitask" together later..?😏
sure I'd love to "multitask" with you

I love multitasking

by xxxanonymousgayyyyΓ—Γ—Γ— February 18, 2021