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get real dude

something to say when the guy your conversat'n with is mad trikkin

trikkin foo:yo, lil wayne is the most ill rapper ever
you:get real dude, he's a goon

by j-rob mad fresh April 9, 2010

120πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Get real

The art of getting real

You need to get real

by BigBoyPedro January 7, 2022

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Get Real Noob

1. When someone is a complete noob, and they seriously need to get real.

2. They are so noob like that they are far off reality, in which case they need to get a hold of reality, aka get real. and since they are infarct a noob to start with, we say get real noob.

Example #1:

noob: whats LoL?
cool dude: league of legends
noob: whats that?
cool dude: wtf, get real noob!

Example #2:

aS.ShaDow posted:
I agree with your opinion because you know how it feels to be famous.


You cannot be serious. You are trying to say that its tough being famous and therefore people should feel bad for people who can't handle the fame and turn to drugs?

Get real, noob.

by m Ali Jahed December 20, 2010

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

baby get real

to tell someone :
you wish!
yeah right!

used by everyone :D

except girls use it more.

term used to be like 'hello, wake up call, ain't happenin.'

girl: I'm going to win the lottery
boy: baby get real!


by Martaaaa October 19, 2008

This shit is about to get real

No more kidding, game on, someone is about to get their shit handed to them

Candee whispered into Dwayne's ear making him smile. Shaniqua, Dwayne's girlfriend, said "Oh hell no, this shit is about to get real!"

by JD the OG March 18, 2014

39πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

This is where seriousness gets REAL

A phrase used when it is the most serious point of anything and you must get Real

A time where what happens here will determine the fate of many

The most important point in anyones life

Playing madden 11: down by a touchdown with 30 seconds left and one time out with 73 yards to go "This is where seriousness gets REAL!"

by Cman36 January 15, 2011

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Get real or fade with the dinosaurs.

The most dazzlingly brilliant string of syllables ever uttered in the history of human speech.

Your shit is played out. It’s time to get real or fade with the dinosaurs.

by $lang$linger November 17, 2021