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an infarct is a formation which causes an infarction

Dude did you just infarct?

What type of infarct is that?

by professordiction March 29, 2011

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myocardial infarction

Destruction of myocardial tissue caused by blockage of a coronary artery, either by a thrombus or by aethrosclerosis. Also heart attack

Emeril Lagasse is going to die of myocardial infarction one of these days, due to his great love of pork fat.

by Antinous September 23, 2003

27👍 4👎

myocardial infarction

1)death of myocardium following ischemia, usually due to an occlusion of the coronary artery (MI)

2)a term to simultaneously communicate "heart attack" and "i am pompous"

i know what an MI is. im an arrogant premed.

by david January 4, 2004

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dick infarction

having a severe blockage in your dick
in medical terminology infarction is a blockage. if an infarction happens in the heart, it leads to a heart attack.

Son: "Mom, can I go get laid tonight?"
Mom: "Are you fucking crazy, no you can't go get laid tonight! It's a school night."
Son: "You are such a dick infarction!"

by aHDumb May 23, 2008

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penile infarction

V. the act of being attacked by a penis.
N. Penis Attack

I was just walking through the mall and all of the sudden a penile infarction came out of nowhere! I was scared I didn't know what to do!

by jd88 December 3, 2007

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penile infarction

V. Attack by a penis.
N. The act of being attacked by a penis.

Sally just got a penile infarction. She was just standing there when all of the sudden Henry's penis just started attacking her!

by JessD December 4, 2007

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McMyocardial Infarction

Otherwise known as a "McGang Bang", this treat involves the re-assembling of a McDouble and a McChicken into one delightful entity. Regardless of which is on top, you are certain to get your rocks off.

While ingesting his McMyocardial Infarction, Ted is briefly reminded of his triple coronary bypass as he feels his arteries solidifying.

by BD577Stormer May 25, 2009

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