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The act of NOT searching, scrolling, downloading, or even unlocking your phone to see or do something on your phone's smart lock screen (that is incidentally also called 'Glance', if you're an Android user).

If you're this busy, and still want to do what you love, why don't you just glance it?

by GlancingQueen May 28, 2023


Enjoying to watch sex between animals and property

He glances at his dog and its coconut.

by Klabauter October 31, 2011

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ass glance

When someone sexually attractive walks by you; you have noticed the front view, and found it interesting and then you turn your head slightly after passing by, to get a quick glance at their ass. Something that usually really pisses off your bf/gf, if with you.

Man, let's walk by that hawt chick, I have got to go for an ass glance.

by Quido1 July 27, 2010


When one notices an attractive person (usually across a room or street), they may stare intently at the other party until said party looks over at them, at which time the head of the glance-flirt initiator will be turned away. At regular intervals, the two must now look up at each other and make eye contact for a brief amount of time, then look away again.

This is an acceptable form of flirting.

I was at the grocery store today. There was this really hot girl there, and I was glance-flirting with her like the whole time I was there.

by MrCinnamon July 21, 2009

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The common practice of scan-reading your email messages. E-glancing has become more prominent due to workload and time constraints. E-glancing is facilitated by the growing popularity of PDA type devices where emails are received out of the office environment. In such circumstances, ย โ€˜E-glancing' assures a prompt response and efficient time management for busy professionals.

E-glancing also incorporates a function whereby (when reading an email) only the first few sentences of the email are actually studied by the receiver. As a result of E-glancing, emails in the business environment have become less wordy and exhibit direct evidence when calling for action i.e. incorporation of bullet points and numbering rather than long-winded explanations of entire scenarios.

Busy professionals have unwittingly developed a technique known as e-glancing to ensure they can identify critical tasks (outlined by an inundation of electronic media) in a shorter time-frame, thus rendering their response with greater efficacy.

by elmaz_concepts December 5, 2010

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security glance

The inevitable glance you make in your rear view mirror upon passing a cop car, just to make sure he isn't going to make a U-turn and follow you; usually followed by a sigh of relief.

I passed that same cop just now, but I did a security glance to see if he was going to turn around.

by boomboomdollar February 21, 2008

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fartive glance

That sneaky look over your shoulder to see if anyone just heard (or smelled) your fart.

Having eaten too many beans for breakfast, Michael let out squeaky fart just before the opening hymn at church. A fartive glance at the old lady behind him indicated that she had heard and smelled his squeaker, and she was not impressed.

by RedSonya March 24, 2009

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