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Feeling put out or upset. Not happy with an outcome of an event.

They don’t have anymore bangles at Starbucks and I am so glanced.

by TxnNY May 20, 2021


A person with a face

hay look there's glanced

by sareth cohreau January 16, 2017

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A quick and discrete look at someone's ass.

Herbert: Mamacita alert! Danny, get a glance at this specimen!
Danny's head spins 360 degrees to survey the horizon
Danny: Oh Herbert, you really know how to spot em'
Herbert: Da fuck is up with your neck!!! I'm calling the exorcist!!

by SirLunchbox February 28, 2016

37πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

At a glance

1. something that shows you a date or schedule fast and to the point

2. A local band from New Jersey Very Good

1. I just looked at my At A Glance Calender and i have nothing planned for saturday.

2. Man I just Listened to an awesome song by At A Glance

by Aladinsane85 March 24, 2005

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Doper then appears.

I Glanced at it once.... And I knew that shit was dope!

by JUSTAWHO? November 11, 2019


when u look at a girl quickly then stop

i glanced at that girls leng bunda

by Syph Duckie March 1, 2021

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Your Android phone's lock screen – irrelevant to and non-compatible with the lexicons of iOS users. Also used as a verb to indicate whiling the day away on one's lock screen. Again – Android lock screens. iOS users, go away.

As a noun: I'm late to work again because I was on my Glance and lost track of time.
As a verb: What I choose to Glance is my business, and I won't be judged for it.

by GlancingQueen January 30, 2023