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The name for the godly Sampes Pizza

"That's some godly pizza right there"

by CooparooKangaroo September 20, 2019

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Hypocritical, rude and irresponsible.

Ex: Please pray for my Godly husband as he is put on a ventilator with covid pneumonia after refusing to get a vaccine because he has an immune system and his freedom is more important than the health of the collective community.

by StopBeingSelfish August 22, 2021

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sick godly

ridiculously awesome and cool; a combination of sick and godly resulting in a term worthy of only the most insanely awesome events; sick godly is the most amazing level of amazingness possible. there is no possible way to be better than sick godly.

kelly: wow, you just built an entire sand prison!

daisy: yeah, totally.

kelly: that is so sick godly!

by bellymay June 7, 2009

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godly whore

Noun: an ostensibly sanctimonious female whose personal sexual behavior contrasts with her moralistic pretensions.

β€œKaren is such a godly whore; she rags on the rest of the cheerleading squad, but she laid most of the football team.”

by Speedog November 14, 2009

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Godly Pounder

When a person with a penis rams a females hole until she or he bleeds out to death

Hey Jim did you hit it off with Natilie last night? Oh yeah Bobby I gave her the Godly Pounder!

by Professional Ass Pounder September 4, 2018

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Facebook Godly

Someone who quotes religious scripture on social media for all of his "friends" and family to read. However, in real life, he/she does the exact opposite.

Bradley is so Facebook Godly. He just posted a Bible verse on Facebook that reads, "Love rejoices in the truth". However, his fiancΓ© recently dumped him for lying to her about his attending nursing school. It turns out, he was kicked out two years ago for plagiarism and he was sitting at home watching porn every day.

by Bald Truth February 11, 2015

godly life

A person living for God

A man that obey the Ten Commandments though his daily life is living a Godly Life.

by living by the book March 16, 2014

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