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Intense, utmost hostility towards someone/something. Bitter detest and cold and merciless disgust.

"I REALLY hate you, I want you to die."

by Caitlin February 8, 2003

477๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hate.. a noun used to describe a permanent anger for someone.. or something.. it never goes away.. when you see the thing you hate anger burns in you..

fear leads to anger.. anger leads to hate.. and hate.. leads to the darkside..

by Nemesis1337 March 2, 2006

88๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. the most extreme case of dislike, often incorrectly associated with anger
2. the only true common thread among humankind

Despite what the delusional and naive will insist, hatred will never end, barring genetic manipulation, a Huxlian government-enforced drug addiction, or some sort of highly-ironic pogrom. Far more efficient to just let people hate what they will, and incarcerate/kill those who act on their desires.

I hate people who refuse to acknowledge hatred's normalcy. Like hippies.

by misanthrope August 25, 2004

428๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž


hate is the way you feel about someone if you dislike them so much that if they were on fire you would laugh at them and do nothing about it.

omg i hate that teacher so much!!!

by Josh Boyd November 2, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone you hate so badly it is beyond human imagination. You want the person you oppose to wither away and when they are annoying you to fucking die a painful death because they are just that much of a pity to ever know and be fucked over by. There is nothing "cute" about hate and it usually ends with one person being seriously wounded and nothing good comes from you hating the person that is persistent in their behaviour whether you like it or not. In this case NO. bundle of rage

I Squarely hate that asshole that I could punch a thousand holes in his face, and watch him bleed in misery and pain before he died.

by I hate life. February 6, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A feeling quite opposite of love which can cause much hostility. It is associated with such things as war, jealously, and greed. It is often said on the spur of the moment, when not truly meant.

1)The act of war is the epitomy of hate.

2)"I hate you!"

"...No you don't, you love me."

"...Shut up.."

by Addiy March 29, 2003

34๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


To dislike someone or something intensely.

"I really hate you."

by Tom September 17, 2003

63๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž