Source Code


The hackage you have acess to on your comp. Mostly used to refer to hacks ranging from computer gaming to cracking government computers.

MarioTwins:Did you see that? I Pwned that slayer with my uber-broken haxx0rs!

Nightwave: lol,yeah they got PWned.

by Squall December 10, 2004

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A script kiddy, especially one who, although believes himself to be skilled, possesses little to no intelligence. The diminuitive of cracker

3y3 4m 4 1337 h4xx0r! B0w 70 my 1337 4Im p0w3rz3z!

The haxx0r attempted to break into his school's computer, but got expelled.

by Pumeleon November 11, 2003

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Name used to parody script-kiddie "hackers"

Script Kiddie: I am so 1337
Bob: rofl, bet he haxx0rs using sub7
Script Kiddie: Yeah, its w00t

by Joshtek July 1, 2003

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Name used to parody of script-kiddie "hackers"

someones who haxx0rs haxx0rs is a haxx0r.

Sometimes written (typed) haxxor.

Script Kiddie: I am so 1337!!!
Bob: Do you haxx0r using sub7?
Script Kiddie: Yeah, its w00t!!!

by Joshtek July 1, 2003

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1) hackers who are really, really good at stealing ur credit card number on the internet.

2) friends that can get u ANYTHING by the use of their computer and he world wide web.

3) dorks

my haxx0r friend found out the dude's address and liscense plate number just by getting the dude's phone number. lets go egg the dude's house and fuck up his car...

by neo-kaneida August 29, 2003

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l33t spelling of hacking.
To hack someone's computer.

"omg, I was talking to this one newb on IRC, and then I like, totally haxx0red him!"

by DualScimitars February 3, 2003

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l33t haxx0r

A gamer who has created himself an in-game identity which is elite (1337= leet)or so they promote.He is adept at compu-speak or 1337speak and usually uses this to make himself feel like a big man. The person is most likely a nerdy, reject fanboy who lives at home with too much time and money on his hands, due to the lack of socialization he encounters.

Gamer (In Game): Yo n00bs, i r teh 1337/l33t haxx0r, ain't n0b0dy g0n m3ss wit me, i'll AWP yo asses.

Mother (Real Life): OH darling could you please set the table and prepare for dinner my little snookums?

Gamer: Yes mother dearest, just let me get my glasses and my steamed celery and disconnnect my ethernet cables and keyboard attachments. *Snort Snort*

by Dan Dan The Man April 30, 2007

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