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Ichi the killer

Japanese movie. One of the best movies I have ever seen. The boss of the Anjo gang is killed by Ichi, a mentally disturbed killer who kills with foot razors. He is directed to kill "bullies" by an old man known as Jijji. When the boss goes missing, one of the gang members Kakihara, a masochist who liked it when the boss beat him, arranges a search for the boss. Torture and such ensues. Based off of a Manga. Also has an anime. ALso known as Koroshya 1.

I wouldn't reccomend Ichi the Killer to rascists or closed-minded teeny boppers. But I would reccomend it to the smarter people.

by horror_blood June 10, 2004

67๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ichi Syndrome

Ichi syndrome - A syndrome where if you can't here Ichi's voice for a day you'll feel sad and empty.
Synonyms:Depression, Sadness, etc.

I have Ichi syndrome I think I'm gonna die

by Very Rndm August 10, 2019

Ichi Michi

When a swarm of Jello-O craving midgets fight till the death using plastic silverware while dressed in homemade loinclothes for that last, star-shaped Jell-O Jiggler

Is Bill Cosby on strike? There seems to be an Ichi Michi going on between those midgets! HWHAT!!!!!!!

by Ashley, Emmy, Kurstin May 5, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

ichi the killer

An awesomely inventive and original movie directed by Takashi Miike. Funny, shocking and cool as hell.
Hated by people with no sense of humour who are probably Christian and big fans of Hollywood bullshit.

"Holy shit, Ichi the killer is awesome."
"Yeah dude, show me the part where the guys face slides down the wall."

by Andy Surf July 2, 2006

54๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

ichi syndrome

Ichi syndrome - A syndrome where if you can't here Ichi's voice for a day you'll feel sad and empty.
Synonyms:Depression, Sadness, etc.

I have Ichi Syndrome I might die today..

by Very Rndm August 10, 2019


Is gay

Jesus he's so Ichi!

by Mad Angry Hippo February 24, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

ichy boobituz

this is where you can get a right ichy boob for no reason at all, nearly happens in the supermarket

i have right ichy boobituz, if i dont scratch it now i will go mental

by satansmother March 20, 2016