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buzz increase

A term used to describe something that is amusing when you're high, making you feel the high more or increasing the "buzz". Popular term in Ottawa, Canada

That Dave Chappelle video was a huge buzz increase!

by Bobby Boy KuSh December 8, 2009

increase the yeast

increase the yeast derived from the saying, "increase the peace". Increasing yeast means to acquire more dough. Make mo' Money $$$.

(not to be confused for yeast infections)

Increase the yeast y'all! 1992! Laser eye surgery!

"johnny's been increasing mo' Yeast than darnell. Good for him."

"you go Johnny! Increase the Yeast!"

by Joox June 5, 2005

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Maximum Increase

A term used to describe breeders who deserve economic compensation in the form of $1,000,000.

Doug: Yo fam, you hear about kyle and karen?
Steve: Ya man, they totally deserve some Maximum Increase as of last night
Doug: Booyah!

by UrbanYoloSwag July 21, 2020

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popularity increases

Increase in amount of buddies on friends list

As popularity increases thing pick up.

by Hercolena Oliver August 31, 2008

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

popularity increases

Increase in amount of buddies on friends list

As popularity increases thing pick up.

by Hercolena Oliver September 24, 2008

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increased stool output

when you dont want people to know you have diarrhea you call it increased stool output or ISO for short

oh man after i ate that burrito yesterday i had increased stool output for hours!

by nympsued July 25, 2009

Increase Natures Share

Society is encroaching on nature’s share through development, the introduction of invasive species, industrial agriculture, pollution, overfishing, and deforestation. Every year we lose more of nature. It's time we reverse this process.

We each have a share of nature and are taking more and more of it every day, eventually, there won't be any left. Giving to nature rather than taking from it. This is, in essence, the inverse of most environmental messages. Instead of saying to stop doing something, rather start doing more of something else. The effects will have a positive impact on your life and nature.

Let's increase natures share by reusing plastic bags. Let's increase the forest's share by planting more trees. Let's increase the gorillas share by expanding national park boundaries. Increase the ocean's share by using reusable bottles. Increase the airs share by walking and biking more.

by naturaldividends April 6, 2020