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An idiot who has a bowl cut and wears clown make up. White trash.

"Hey look at that fat kid over there wearing JNCO's and an ICP shirt. What a juggalo moron."

by clowes July 24, 2006

201๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž


A huge faggot dumb ass mother fucker with no friends who thinks hes part of a family but that family consists of a bunch inbread lonely goth spackers (mostly white) who act black and think they're hardcore and talk a lot of shit n never have anything to back it up and should not be aloud to exist on Earth and should be shot immediately on sight. Juggalos also enjoy taking it up the butt from one another. I guess they worship the group ICP (notice I didn't say band because they don't deserve to be called one), and drink shitty soda at there meetings and have sex with each other.

Dude 1: "What the fuck is a god damn juggalo? I keep hearing that name around the school and I want to know what the fuck one is!"

Dude 2: "You know that white trash faggot who got his ass kicked the other day cause he was picking a fight with someone twice his size

Dude 1: "Ya, I think so."

Dude 2: "Ya, that kid calls himself a juggalo."

by WC Chea October 21, 2009

200๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž


Inane white trash individuals, rendered mentally defective from years of trailerpark inbreeding. The realization of self inadequecy leads said individuals to both relate to, and even idolize, the equally imbecilic "music" group Insane Clown Posse.

see also: douche bag

Man, trailer trash douche bags who call themselves juggalos just piss everyone off.

by US Army Recon November 24, 2009

255๐Ÿ‘ 235๐Ÿ‘Ž


A title white trash like to give themselves so they feel glorified and vindicated.

Juggalo: "U maybee a doctor an shit but I'll all ways be a juggalo!"

by ThaBodomKilla August 18, 2010

106๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used to be associated solely with terrible taste in music, now it's also some pseudo-religious crap Fatshit The Clown came up with to sell more records. Most juggalos are between 14 and 18, and they're all (that probably means you, wipe that goddamn make up off your face) complete dumbasses.

juggalos...what a bunch of fucks

by lolenator June 24, 2007

230๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž


A counterproductive person that attempts to be an individual but since everybody else pretends in similar ways, they be came a contradictory group. Mainly Insane Clown Posse fans, they believe in something called "Prophecy of the Dark Carnival" which is equivalent to a Circus version of Scientology. According to them, your fate is determined by, get this, a jack-in-the-box. The prophecy sounds like a random spiel of crap thought up by a gothic kid on an acid trip at the circus. Anyways, Juggalos, despite their codes and laws and such, are far from original/unique do to the fact that they basically act like ICP.

Juggalo: I'm so unique.
Juggalo2: So am I!
Juggalo: No, you're just a poser of ICP, fag!
Juggalo2: Dude, you're wearing an ICP shirt and drinking Faygo!
Juggalo: But you're a poser, I'm unique!
Juggalo3: I'm the most unique.
Juggalo2: Hey, we're supposed to love... Wanna go drink faygo and talk about the Dark Carnival?
Juggalo3: I wanna ride the Dark Rollercoaster!

by Tired of My Defonitions getting refused by Biased ICP Fags April 5, 2007

204๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž


Human filth, unworthy of the air they breathe. Do society a favor and shoot on sight.

Friend 1: Hey man, is that a Juggalo over there?
Friend 2: Yeah dude, sure looks like it!
Friend 1: You got your glock?
Friend 2: Hell yeah! Let's ice 'im.

by Xthird_ech3lonX June 21, 2007

302๐Ÿ‘ 281๐Ÿ‘Ž