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tight ass painkiller that makes you high as a motherfucker, contains oxycontin

mom i think i have a headache, can you call the doctor and ask him to give me a whole bottle of percocet?

by Khronic March 12, 2006

424๐Ÿ‘ 621๐Ÿ‘Ž


perscription drug which is a often abused perscription painkiller, and also (with oxycontin) is the favorite food of D1R3C7 CL4NL4N aka r1cH4rd aka da numba 1 pi|_|_ p0pp4 aka d1 ya herrd aka #1 b3d sh1tta aka #1 dick licka

damn, dir3ct just took 46 oxycontins and the whole bottle of percoset, no wonder they call him the #1 P1LL P0PP4 sh0w st0pp4

by gkhfhjfghfdgsdfarte January 18, 2005

273๐Ÿ‘ 1104๐Ÿ‘Ž


(perky-set) A girl with a perky set of tits regardless of cup size

Damn dude, the new chick at my workplace has those Percocets

by Nightfury626 April 20, 2018

16๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

Percocet Whore

n. A person (not always a female) who has become so addicted to percocet that they will have sex for Percocets when none are available. The irony being that a percocet is generally sold for less than one minimum wage hour and if you offered the same person the cash instead of the pill they would retort, "I ain't no cheap whore. If you want to pay someone $5 for a blow job go find a crack whore."

"Man, Courtney is such a percocet whore. I told her I had three pills and she came over and fucked my brains out. I only gave her two pills. If you want some of that just call her up and tell her you got some Percs."

by keifermail July 28, 2008

416๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Molly Percocet

Molly is a pure form of MDMA also found in some ecstasy pills. Gives you warm butterfly feelings , bliss, euphoria and more intense sexual experiences. Makes you want to dance, grind your teeth and dehydrated. Percocet is a opiate that you can find the definition of in many places. These two words are repeated in the song "Mask off" by Future which has become extremely popular. There

are a few reasons why he would sing about these two drugs together .One is its easier on your nostrils when snorting these two drugs together because MDMA can be very harsh! They also maybe just go good together because people like uppers and downers. The other reason is because people maybe hustle these drugs together. The last reason being that percocets possibly help you come down from Molly when it starts to wear off. Making it much more tolerable!

Tonights going to be a Molly Percocet kind of night, Molly Percocet on deck!, Molly and Percocets are like my family haha

by Dboy9486 April 10, 2017

621๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

molly percocet

two drugs used together to make a better experience

mask off by future- " that molly percocets got me highhh asff"๐Ÿ’Š

by imthekinghoe420 June 21, 2017

98๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Percocet Epiphany

When One takes too many Percocet and begins having pop culture epiphanies.

Kathy had a Percocet Epiphany and realized the man that played Gaston in Beauty and the Beast shot and killed the dragon in The Hobbit!!!!

by Gandalf the Purple November 19, 2017