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A man of mystery, (Majestical Master)

Full of surprises. Jekyl and Hyde.

Each day is different when you know a Shane. Loving and attentive on good days. Snappy the Crocodile the next. However its impossible to stop loving him. He will give you guidance in many of lifes challenges, but he is a comedian/illusionist so have a gamble and enjoy the ride.

Shane is addictive... give a little. Take a little.

Somewhere over the rainbow the man will send you if you are lucky enough to meet him.
Shane is a priveledge and must be treated accordingly

Share a drop of heaven.
No gag. No go

And Mine

SHANE (Majestical master ),the one the only pussy whisperer

by Stunnedmulletfuck March 6, 2018

57πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Look i'm from the future, Shane is such a cool dude

Shane is so cool, amazing smart, funny and so god damn sexy its unreal and will make my inside explode
you should defo give him a hi-five and some food.

for example.
that dude Shane saved like 3 old people from being eaten by cannibals.

by Super-Cool-Future-Dude-69 April 5, 2019

91πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


He's a beautiful man, GORGEOUS gray-blue eyes and a laidback mysterious mood that would make any grown woman fall in love. Very tall and sexy. Shane is a legend with legs. His smile is to-die-for and you'll probably get lost in his eyes. A little shy at first, but once you get to know him, he's intimidating. He's also a classic golf player. Shane. The word itself rolls off your tongue like silk or midnight oil. Shane, I need you in my life.

OMGG did you see Shane today at school, I think he glanced at me! he's such a snack

i want to date Shane soo bad, he's at my church group

P.S. Shane if you see this, give me a simple thumbs up and say the word "urban." ill know. ILYSM

by StripeGirl18 October 2, 2018

188πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


1. To consume without asking.

2. The act of drinking your friends beer and buying your own once a month.

That guy just took a beer, he didn't even pay he's totally shaning.

shame chaffer mooch jew anal

by TheJamesGang November 26, 2010


(V.) To shane; The act of working as little as possible yet still receiving the same compensation as coworkers.

Dave shaned so hard last night and I still had to split my tips with him.
Yeah, Dave is always shaneing. He’s a real peice of shit.

by Cheese Waffle August 19, 2018

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


another term for "sexy beast"

Omg, I can't breathe! I think a shane just walked by.

by NiniComiPoopi July 25, 2008

5922πŸ‘ 2025πŸ‘Ž


The name Shane is the Irish form of the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning "Gift of YHWH". A person who tends to be brutally honest individuals, who are without guile and never afraid to speak the truth, regardless of how controversial that truth might be, and despite the risk of being alientated.

Damn that Shane doesn't bullshit!

by Darkon1e February 3, 2010

454πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž