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The best sport known to man. Takes a shit load of indurance and speed.. i would know im a soccer player..soccer kicks ass |..|,

If you dont like soccer.. call me at 1-800-eat-shit

by Nick Valadao July 23, 2004

2564๐Ÿ‘ 1814๐Ÿ‘Ž


Probably an excellent game, I never watch it, but is heavily criticed because of the determination to watch an entire game at once, and the fact that many players get a tap on the leg and fall to the ground as if having there leg shattered and someone shooting them in the chest. Then they become magically fine by the power of the band-aid and/or ointment.

Did you see that soccer game yesterday?

No, I fell asleep after the 38th minute.

by mp1840 February 9, 2009

488๐Ÿ‘ 330๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very entertaining sport played by kicking a black and white ball around and into a net if possible.

Soccer is so fun!

by 25IMF June 22, 2019

83๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sport that is highly criticized in the U.S. because we completely suck at it and our international team cant do shit right in the world cup.

Probably the greatest sport ever, which requires you to be in top notch shape, unlike another sport where it doesn't matter if you're fat as hell, you can still play.

The World Cup of soccer is the most watched event in the world, with over 1 billion people watching.

by Fuckitall June 29, 2006

1450๐Ÿ‘ 1151๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most famous sport in the world , 2 teams of 11 players each using any part of the body except the hands and the arms to put a ball into the net .
Players needs to be very skillful: dribbling ,accurate passing ,tackling ,heading and ball control .
Soccer is the king of all sports .

Great soccer players includes maradona ,pele,ronaldo ,van basten ,zidane and vanessen amongst many others

by van 007 May 26, 2005

826๐Ÿ‘ 699๐Ÿ‘Ž


... is to sport like riverdance is to the performing arts. Yes, it does take some skill, they don't use their arms AND it is incredibly boring.

Also known for

- players taking melodramatic dives to get a penalty
- curing insomnea
- having only 3 real rules, one of which no-one can actually explain (off side)
- fans who start riots

Thank God for William Webb Ellis, the first soccer player to realise how stupid the game was and picked up the ball.

If you want to keep a ball in the air for 10 minutes, buy a hackeysack. That's as relevant to playing soccer as spinning a basketball on one finger is to playing basketball.

It's not all bad. After all, without soccer, there'd be no "soccer mums" and you know you like them !

I went to a soccer game the other day and fell asleep instantly. At full time my friend woke me. I asked if I had missed anything and he said "nil all draw - but the grass grew a bit".

Next time I'll go to something entertaining, like Netball, Rugby League, Hockey (ice or field), Lingerie League etc.

by E_Z_Fleece November 12, 2011

259๐Ÿ‘ 210๐Ÿ‘Ž


I'd like my narrative to be broken by Facts & Opinion
Soccer is a term coined by the English. NOT the Americans.
Soccer is an abbrev. for Association of Football.
Soccer is the most widely watched sport in the world.
Most countries call it by a more logical name - FOOTBALL.
It is a sport of endurance where success depends on agility, skill & team strategy
It is a sport which can be technical in play like the Germans or magical like the Brazilians.
It is a sport which elicits a chant & fervour from the audience that is unmatched by any other sport.
I think World Cup Football (soccer) is way better than American football for the following reasons
1. Its action is constant and not constantly interrupted game play.
2. It relies on skill & technique as opposed to brute force and body weight where skill is less important
4. The size of the player is irrelevant as the focus is on the play of the game as opposed to the player of the game.
5. It's not a game where you wear helmets and have cheerleaders and fancy stuff to hype the game.
6. Its a sport which does not need a high score to make up for a low IQ
Why I think Americans prefer their "Football"
Their culture/attitude makes BIG seem better. Skill is not important. Glamour & marketing hype combined with brute force and size is more attractive to an American. To make my point - Large Cadillacs (big cars), WWF, baseball (less skill than cricket where you can hit the ball in a variety of ways).
Motorcyles where they find Harleys to be more attractive than the latest sport bikes (they call them crotch rockets). Imagine telling yourself a Harley sounds good compared to the hair-raising sounds of the Jap/Italian bikes. What if they made aircraft that sounded like that instead of the modern turbine. I'm trying not to bash but make a point - it's just culture and atttitude.
Rebuttal :
Someone commented about Americans building the Internet, airplanes, phones. A great many Great minds have been of non-American descent that would have come from European descent/heritage/ancestry. So that's a moot point.
How silly can you be if you think soccer is for gays. By that token, wearing gear to protect yourself should qualify for gayness. What if poeple said the way a pitcher throws a ball in baseball looks gay. You really have to be stupid to make comments like that about soccer/sport.
Women play baseball too. That does not make the sport gay.

This is a sport that appeals to basic instinct. Take a person that has not been culture-brainwashed and he will levitate towards basic instinct. That is why the world loves and identifies with football. To make my point, the world loves American music & movies. They could have loved American football in the same way. The fact that they dont is because it's just nowhere close to the passion that comes about with World cup football. People love to watch soccer regardless of whether their country plays or not.
IF the Americans were to win the World cup, have women go crazy after them, etc., their perception would change. The rest of the world already has the right perspective. They dont like to watch it because they are currently not faring well. And they don't like to admire outside of their own. That is not sporting. That is not sport.
Further cases in point :
I've spoken about American Football & Harleys. Both religions in the US. And nowwhere else.
Now consider the METRIC system of measurement. Its followed by the ENTIRE world except the US. This cost the US a lot of money and is also less effective & unnecessarily more complex. Google and find the truth.
The US Electric system is also different - 110 Volts and is again - less effective than the system used in the rest of the world.
All of these only underline attitude and undermine reason.

Soccer is a sport where a Ball is played with your foot
Sport 'ASSOCIATED' with the world except the US
I'd rather pretend-its-GAY than play-and-pray

by B.Col-World Cup Fan June 18, 2006

653๐Ÿ‘ 577๐Ÿ‘Ž