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Sparkles are a form of murder. If someone is to successfully kill someone with sparkles then they are deemed the sparkle-killer. Since this has never been done before, there currently are no sparkle-killers. Sparkle-killers are obsessed with sparkles and trying to find a way to kill bad people with them.

Sparkles are exceptionally deadly. Various things contain sparkles such as hand sanitizer, lotions, unicorns, and glitter. All can be super dangerous and can kill you.

by Sparkle-Killer August 22, 2020


Sparkles is that feeling when you miss someone but also know that theyโ€™re there for you. No matter what.

miss you baby

Sparkles is coming!

by June 5, 2018


It means "Off your face", basically.

"What time did you wake up?"

'I haven't been to bed yet'

"Are you not Sparkled?!"

by Mikkeh June 14, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a person has a crush on someone who isnโ€™t usually their type. They donโ€™t know exactly why they have a crush on them they just do. When this happens it means that the person they have a crush on has sparkle.

Person One: Why do you like him? You never date guys like that?

Person Two: I donโ€™t know he just has sparkle for me.

by Dove556 April 27, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


An old fart who continuously complains about everything.

He is Mr Sparkle, the R5 of UCS.

by Robinะood November 18, 2019

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


the name of a very sweet and beautiful girl. She may start off quiet and need an "observing" period before her true personality comes out. A great pertner in relationships, very loving and loyal, great kisser, and she will always be there for you. She's an amazing friend who always offers great advice. She just might need to follow her own sometimes. Shes very funny and goofy, always geeting into trouble.

EP/SW 11.06.09

"Sparkles so sweet!"

"wow what did sparkle do now?"

by agjhaugen November 21, 2012

64๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adjetive: The qualities of a person that are not their own which they attained through wealth or from a personal status. (Ie. clothing, jewlry, vehicles, makeovers, amenities, inheritance, family reputation and wealth).
Verb: Sparlin'; the effect of showing off 'sparkle' qualities to others.

Opposite of: Shine; shinin'

Wow that Paris Hilton sure is glamorous...

Yeah but you know it's all just sparkle and not shine right?

by Muttemor September 30, 2014

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž