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A sweet, shortened version of the word Squirrel, frequently used by toddlers and immature adults.

Did you see that adorable grey squirl?

by Riagirl March 16, 2009

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- A whore and or slut.

- A woman with an extremely hairy vagina.
- A woman that engages in casual sex daily.
- A female that will suck on male's reproductive organs often.

"Your mom is a squirle. Furry, lives of tree trunks, and collects nuts all day!"

by James Mathew Anderson March 7, 2010

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flying squirl

when a male spreads his scrotum and jumps off an object in the house onto his sexual partner.

"I almost broke my neck when i slipped off the dresser performing the flying squirl last night."

by J.J. Poopface May 8, 2006

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Granny Squirl

When the pants on a woman fits incorrectly and you get the opposite to a cameltoe. Just some hanging loose pants looking like the triceps of grannies...

Wrong area looking guy 1: Gaaah that womans pants has a crap fit
Wrong area looking gue 2: Yeah, she has a granny squirl. Shit that is nasty looking.

by No gmilf for me February 19, 2013

squirl packer

1.a man who dates women who look squirl faced in appearance.
2. one who has sexual intercourse with small furry animals.

myles you are such a squirl packer

by lestadt March 16, 2007

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squirl tits

"Squirl Tits" refers to extremly small breasts or tits. bee stings

"Shut up Squirl Tits!"
"Shake them Squirl Tits"

by Klingefucious June 3, 2006

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squirl friends

A term used to describe friends who hide their nuts ie: drag queens or tranvistes.

Bob is miss gay USA,she is one of my best squirl friends.

by Bad Bear. October 4, 2015