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A fully decked out motorcycle which has been enhanced through add-ons to make them appear more stylish and/or more comfortable for longer rides. Add-ons that result in a motorcycle being considered a dresser include windscreen, backrest, good-time radio, CB radio, and saddlebags. After putting these add-ons onto a motorcycle that bike is said to be 'fully dressed' (or a 'dresser').

Damn, all you see are fools riding sportsters or dressers these days. No real bikers left anymore.

by biffula April 7, 2010

103๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


the dresser is a wonderful invention that holds clothes, games, food, drugs, and condoms you know all the necessities in life. but some people don't use this for these things except clothes because they are afraid that their parents will find it but at the same time parents actually are afraid of what the child has in there

my dresser is hardcore i see purple and green

by the panther2323 December 3, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you get your dick stuck in your zipper

I hope i never have to deal with the pain of a dresser.

by cluster fuck rainbow fish November 5, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Early nineties term for people who wear mainstream high street clothing. Used mainly by crusties to describe most other people who did not wear ripped jeans/jumpers and army boots with no laces. Not to be confused with Townies who wore baseball caps and would now be called chavs.

look at that dresser with her global hypercolour teeshirt!

by sluffy June 1, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Home Dresser

Hockey players (usually children) who put on their gear at home because they are too stupid, inept, or retarded to do it at the rink. Generally have poor hockey skills, life skills and tend to be socially awkward.

Darrell and Lee are very shitty hockey players; they must be Home Dressers.

by Apschminkey May 1, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cross dresser

A male or female who wears clothes that are stereotypically worn by the opposite sex.

For women, it is debatable whether in this day an age trousers/pants count as cross dressing.

Cross dressers are often put into the transgender group, however it is important to know that a cross dresser does not necessarily have body or gender dysphoria, and can be perfectly happy with their gender identity assigned at birth.

Most transgender individuals do not appreciate being called cross dressers as they consider themselves, and should be considered by others as the gender they are dressing as.
A transwoman wearing girl's clothes is not a cross dresser, nor is she a man in drag. She's just a woman.

Cross dressing can be a hobby or maybe just a fashion sense. Someone who cross dresses does not necessarily cross dress 24/7.

Cross dressing can also be found to be sexually attractive by some.

Man 1: 'Hey is that a man in a skirt?'
Man 2: 'Yeah I know him at work, he's a cross dresser.'

Woman 1: 'You dress a lot like a boy y'know.'
Woman 2: 'I guess I enjoy cross dressing, no big deal.'

Mulan is a cross dresser.

by hornfels August 29, 2011

162๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

cross dresser

Someone who wears either items of clothing or complete outfits traditionally associated with the opposite sex. Most people who are called crossdressers are heterosexual males. Most women crossdress, but female crossdressing is considered normal.

1. Man wearing a woman's dress in 1980.
2. Woman wearing pants in 1880.
3. Woman wearing a kilt. (look it up)
4. Not a man wearing a kilt.

by Lim November 25, 2003

341๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž