Source Code

The Black Man's Kryptonite

A Cool Hot White Women That Is Either PAWG in her 20s or A Hot Cougar with all the Package.

A Very Attractive White Women or Hispanic Women. Black Men Love Them

Person 1: Hey Bro Did you see that hot White Girl.
Person 2: Yes She Has Us Thirsting Bad Bro We Need To Hit That.
Person 1: Definitely And She Got It All Going On And is The Black Man's Kryptonite

by I.S Akbar May 16, 2021

642๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Irate Black Man

A prank call victim living in the suburbs of Chicago, Denardo Monroe, better known as The Irate Black Man, is a prank call victim that originated from a Joe Pesci soundboard prank call. As his name suggests, he has a very irate voice, and is black. He has become renowned for his aggressive and violent behavior, with an explosive temper and usually responds to prank calls by repeatedly making incredibly violent threats (including death threats and sexual assault threats) which are heavily-laced with ebonics, ghetto jargon, sexual intimidation, and other profanities (for example, he would mention something such as "put a bullet in yo' ass"). He is very frequently used in prank calls, and multiple soundboards were made of him. He is also a drug user, as he was smoking a joint in one of the prank calls. He claims that his whole family is on the police force and appears to be a dangerous man and, ironically, (considering his family's supposed law-enforcement background) is also a possible gang member, having referred to himself as a "gangsta" in at least one call, also when looked up on ''checkmate.com'', it says that his profile is ''graphic'' and that he has a criminal record. He is usually depicted as Ving Rhames, as he appeared in ''Pulp Fiction''.

I prank called my friend using The Irate Black Man, and that scared the heck out of him.

by Gothamcityan January 6, 2015

140๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Man's Time

A very relaxed concept of time, as used by black people the world over...

aiming to get somewhere at 1 when it starts at 12 and actually get there at 2.30

by Tommigunn March 18, 2004

148๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Man's Limousine

The citybus

my yugo is in the shop lets take the black man's limousine.

yeah lets ride it to frogtown and lets hear you call it that down there ya bigot!
shut up hippie

by cacapoopoo pee pee pants September 18, 2010

479๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

black man's pinch

Noun: A bubble of blackened blood trapped under the skin, as is caused when one traps a web of skin in a mousetrap, hits it with a hammer or similar. White kids in the 1970s said it.

Adult: "Ouch! I've given myself a black man's pinch in the edge of that drop-leaf dining table."
Child: "That phrase is outdated and pejorative to black people. Please don't use it again."
Adult: "You're right. I'm sorry. What should I say instead."
Child: "Subcutaneous haematoma would be both the medically and politically correct term for such a contusion."
Adult: "Thank you for making me a better human being. By the way, what would be the medically and politically correct term for such a contusion as would be caused by a hefty clip round the ear?"
Child: "You appear to be condoning an act of physical abuse toward a minor. I'm calling Social Services."

by McCririck's unlucky Laundress September 15, 2005

650๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž

black mans briefcase

An order of 100 Chicken McNuggets and two large drinks

I'd like a black mans briefcase with Diet Coke, please.

by enthbott February 26, 2011

29๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

black man bet

Betting the field in the casino game Craps

Bro, why did you bet the black man bet? Worst odds in the house!

by Ralph Francesa April 7, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž