Source Code


Jenna is the girl that everyone wants to be around. Her presence will brighten your day and she is always smiling. She gives the best hugs and is always down to cuddle. Jenna makes stupid jokes and is nerdy in the best way. Very approachable and easy to talk to. She is extremely hard on herself and is not persuaded easily. Jenna will do absolutely anything for the people or the things she loves, and doesn’t go down with out a fight!

“I stubbed my toe today and Jenna brought me donuts and coffee to the office....what a girl

by Nick_E67 January 10, 2018

135👍 21👎


Jenna is special kind of soul. An innocent free spirit who although kind and sweet has had to endure many things in life she did not deserve. These experiences have hardened her and keep her true self well hidden from the untrained eye. But don’t be fooled. To those she lets in and opens up to you will see a unique beauty so rare your life will be for ever changed. Jenna is passionate about the things she loves. She can be ditzy at times but her street smarts and logic are that of brilliant and wise woman. It’s all a part of her unique one of a kind charm. Jenna is hard worker and even when the masses have given up or resorted to less appealing tactics Jenna is still there not giving up and always maintaining. Jenna is a warrior with very few if any rivals. However she struggles with self confidence at times which keeps her from truly blooming.If you are not a positive in her life you will not be a part of it. If you have the chance to get close to a Jenna take it. She will not make a second chance for you easy by any means. She is a ageless beauty and while others tire and grow weary she manages to look and act as youthful as ever. Jenna’s don’t take compliments well or give them either. Don’t give up on a Jenna, sometimes she needs help but will never admitt it. Her ability to effect your heart is endless without limitations. As a friend, a lover, there is no other. A Jenna is truly a once in a lifetime soul. Her personality will compelle you to feel and be a better person.

“Damn Jenna. You look adorable in a way I’ve never witnessed.”
Jenna: “ Shut up, I look hideous.”

by Dchase29 November 4, 2018

77👍 11👎


The girl everyone is obsessed with. Literally... everyone. The guys chase after her, and the ladies imitate and admire her. She has lots of haters, but she could honestly not care less. She has no time for losers— she has dreams to crush. She knows what she wants, and she knows exactly how to get it. Don’t mess with this girl.

Erin: Look! There is Jenna! I am so jealous! She’s so pretty and popular and we’re not!
Abby: I know! Let’s just electronically stalk her and live vicariously through her experiences!

Sarah: Wait! Can I join?!? I want to stalk Jenna, too!

by iheartjennnna283831 January 20, 2018

350👍 71👎


Jenna is an amazing funny girl that is nerdy in the best way. She gives great hugs and is always down to snuggle. She manages to be incredibly smart and sexy at the same time. She will do any thing to protect and care for the people she loves

person 1: I love Jenna.
person 2: Who doesn't?

by move bitch get out the way October 18, 2016

299👍 63👎


A Sweet friend with a wonderful smile and brings joy to the room when she enters

She is loyal to her family and loves to hang with friends

She is really smart and pretty that any boy would find attractive.

Omg Jenna is the best we need to talk to her.

by MayaIsJenna😆 September 7, 2016

189👍 38👎


When one gives oral sex to a boy, mostly in bio classes or movie theaters. Can also occur for man-on-man relationships

1. Yo dude hows ur gf
Great she jennaed me for 20 minutes while i watched source code last night

by Im The Man8981 December 15, 2011


Jenna, she's a unique person. She's absolutely one amazing person who can turn your world around with one smile. She's so sweet and loving it'll melt your heart. When you look at her into her eyes, it's like you're lost in heaven. The warmth feeling of love of love she gives you is simply exquisite. She is astonishingly beautiful. Her voice is music to go your ears. You could stare at her all day and still not get enough of her beauty. Her hands are as soft as a cloud. Her hair smell like roses. She simply on perfect person. She isbthe nicest person alive. She would rather make people happy instead of her self, which bad because people will take advantage of it, but that's what makes her amazing. She sacrifices her own happiness to make another person on this earth have a smile on their face.

Jenna is the most amazing person.

I heard one smile can't change the world, but Jennas changes mine.

by Masterjedimanu January 1, 2017

79👍 15👎