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Chuck Thermodynamic

This is the proof that violate the second law of thermodynamic. Chuck Thermodynamic can make liquid nitrogen go into an exothermic process at release infinite joules of heat to crush an opponent. Chuck Thermodynamic can only be pulled off by Chuck Norris himself. Chuck Norris can use ice to increase the temperature of the sun. Theoretically, Chuck Norris is consider "the system" who will give off infinite heat to "the surrounding" which, in this case, is the universe. Eventually, the universe will burn up and our existence will be null.

Chem Student: We don't have gas for the bunsen burner.
Chuck Norris: I will punk the ice to some heat with the power of Chuck Thermodynamic!
Chem Studnet: wtf?
(Chuck Norris cause 1E90 Joules of explosion in the Chemistry lab.)

by BenchMax345 February 15, 2008

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

laws of thermodynamics

1. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
2. In a closed system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state.
3. The entropy of all pure perfect crystals is zero at absolute zero. (It is, of course, impossible to get to absolute zero.)

1. you can't win
2. you can't break even
3. you can't quit

by fizzle April 2, 2004

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Second Law Of Thermodynamics

Basically, it states that it is impossible for entropy to decrease in a closed system.

"So you say the second law of thermodynamics disproves organic evolution, do you? Do you even know what the FIRST law is?"

by Bunny January 8, 2004

35πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

5th law of thermodynamics

L's always attract to nigels.

the 5th law of thermodynamics dictates that if you have any friends that are named Nigel, they are 100% guaranteed to get L's

by jackwilliebob July 11, 2022

Thermodynamics Test

Derived from the Greek word κακό meaning a miserable thing invented by evil geniuses to torment unsuspecting souls. It is a test given to college students studying physics. For most, it has been known to be as bad as the Greek makes it out to be. However, the definition also means something that will be annihilated, aced, and have a curve set by those called "Keith."

Keith would say, "Oh that thermodynamics test? Yeah, I crushed it."

by ThePoet23 March 7, 2017


fucken science that kick your ass.
you calculate and fucken number that related to hear trans and energy. you play with engines and follow and quantity of heat entering or leaving the fucken engine.

Thermodynamics will blow your mind

by Poor engineer January 8, 2023