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A crap music station that recently took over from even more crap TMF. Sadly Viva and 4Music are the only music channels avaliable for us idiots who are too lazy to upgrade from Freeview. Also, Viva have the worst advertising slogan in the world!


No thanks, mate!


by completeleyshamelessfangirl November 15, 2009

43πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


This honger club in Richmond BC has been made popular by 16 year old ricers and teddyboy gangbangers who think they are pimpin. The dance floor is bumpin, where the sickest moves from para para paradise, dance dance revolution, and any of the newest arcade games can be exhibited.

"r u going to viva la~ kekeke"

by ricemond December 3, 2003

17πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

Viva Pinata

A drug in the form of digitalized happiness and cuteness, side effects include blindness, thanks to the fact that every single color is bright and cheerful, and staring at it for to long can do serious damage to your retinas but also cure depression.

Jeremy: I have depression and perfect eyesight...

Tina: You should try Viva Pinata!

Jeremy 2 weeks later: I have eternal happiness and joy, and singed retinas! YAAAAAAAYYY!!!

by Invisible_Bunny December 7, 2008

25πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Vivas Chivas

vivas chivas - a pirate group built around sexual assault and arson of the 3rd degree in the states of Idaho, Virginia, Washington St., Oregon, Maine, Florida, and Rhode Island. This clan lives by one rule; β€œif it moves, kill it. If it doesn’t, steal it” - James Barthallomu Lucius Estrada

β€œOh shit! That nigga be in Vivas Chivas! He’ll take my foreskin!!!”

by A Lesbian Shoe October 24, 2019

viva pinata

Viva Pinata is a game on the xbox 360 that is alot like all happyness in the world digitalised, and put on a cd, and then rubbing prozacs in your eyes, and has every bright colour known to man inside.

Bernard: Hello, i have depresion!
Harold: you should play viva pinata...


Bernard: i have terminal happyness and joy.... and my retinas are burned!

by Captain willis December 2, 2007

41πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

viva pinata

a game that is underestimated by people all over the world because of it's "e" rating and rainbow colors. it is a fun game and has a lot of objectives in it whether it is getting all of the pinatas or getiing all the achievements. its also fun to watch a friend play it. go buy it.

man 1: lets play viva pinata

man 2: what are you a fag?

man 1: no, just give it a chance

they play it

man 2: wow, that was awesome, i really want a dragonache when i buy it.

by poomaster12345 August 10, 2008

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Viva Diva

The really rich and pretty girls of Las Vegas.

I went to the mall, it was full of viva divas!

by MelissaDethFan December 23, 2008

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž