Source Code

Waitress Friendly

When a bartender or waitress fakes being friendly toward you. This is usually in order to get a better tip or to keep you coming back.

"I thought that waitress was interested in me, but she was just being waitress friendly."

by JerryLMacDonald May 1, 2008

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waitress sandwich

A sexual position in which a man sits on a chair while a woman (such as a waitress) sits on top and a second man sits on top of her, as immortalized by U.S. senators Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy in 1985.

The two senators made a "waitress sandwich" while their dates were in the bathroom.

by TedFan85 July 23, 2013

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Wednesday Waitress

A girl that is not very attractive (of uninspiring beauty, plain jane). Unsuitable for working as a waitress on Friday or Saturday.

Person A: Did you see that girl?

Person B: What Girl?
Person A: Nevermind, Wednesday waitress.

by Adamorals May 27, 2009

waitress crush

A crush that's one-sided to the point of being creepy.

See unrequited love.

on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Charlie has a waitress crush on the Waitress.

I had a total waitress crush on this girl from high school, until she slept with my best friend.

by JohnnyApocalypse September 5, 2012

Waitress Lottery

The act of sitting at a restaurant or bar table (particlularly a Hooters type establishment) and seeing if your waitress is the best one there or not. Winning the waitress lottery often involves getting the prettiest waitress, but it can also mean getting the friendliest one or simply the one who is most efficient.

Example 1:
Guyl 1: Dang it! All these hot chicks in here and we got the waitress who's built like a linebacker. That stinks.
Guy 2: Yeah, we definitely lost the Waitress Lottery, but at least we've got cold beer and eye candy all around us to enjoy.

Example 2:
When she came over I thought we'd won the waitress lottery, cause she's a hottie. We've been waiting forever for our beer, so I guess we didn't.

by TPD in Big D October 23, 2009

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tipping the waitress

when masturbating over a girl the guy cums on her face. he then pulls up his pants, before winking and pointing at the girl "fonz" style before saying "keep the change" as he leaves the room.

** note - this only works if you do not touch the girl after you smear her face with your man fat.

"so, mark, how did it go with that girl last night?"
"oh, i tipped the waitress."
*high fives*

"are you on for tipping the waitress tonight?"

"i tipped the waitress last night, generously as well. i completely emptied my coin purse."

by drstrange August 8, 2006

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air waitress

a dysphemism (ie. a burn) of 'stewardess' or 'flight attendant'

that air waitress gave me a humming BJ in the airplane's bathroom. That's first class for ya...

by penguinpie May 9, 2007

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