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A youth is a person, typically male, who looks pure and innocent.

"Oh my gosh, Troye looks like such a youth when he is singing!"

by youth.definer January 18, 2017

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A Dream Slang term used to describe a person(typically male) who exhibits childlike characteristics. These characteristics usually include overly excited smiles, wide eyes, smooth skin, and puffy hair. Youths typically just look innocent.

"Did you see the new kid? He looks so sweet."
"I know right! He's such a Youth."

by youth.definer May 25, 2017

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Urban Youth

Politically correct way to call someone black in the news.

News Reporter: Urban youths were seen fleeing the scene of the robbery.

by BrosephWOW April 14, 2013

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Bush Youth

A group of young thugs who show their support for George W. Bush by behaving like a bunch of Nazis.

See also: Hitler Youth.

The Bush Youth disrupted events where democrats were appearing, and behaved like a bunch of thugs in the process.

by jesster79 February 10, 2006

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Youth up

The act of making political institutions and processes more youth-friendly, by including them in all aspects and stages of policy & decision making.

The average elected politician in Europe is 53 years old. The average leader of an EU government is 52, the average Member of a European Parliament is 55 and the average European Commissioner is 57. European politics needs to youth up!

by @YouthUP_EU May 24, 2017

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youth in asia

Term people look up when they hear euthanasia and don't know what it means.

"Is Dr. Kevorkian a pedophile or something? He keeps doing youth in asia."

by seven ate nine January 6, 2010

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Hateler Youth

A group of young Trump supporter wearing Maga Hats , possibly accompanied by MagaFuck parents or Trumpeter Grandparents , Rebel flags not required but spotted occasionally.

Look at the Hateler youth chanting" build the wall"

by Canute Wartooth January 23, 2019

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