Source Code

Task Force Dope

Drugs (especially meth) seized in raids by narcotics tasks forces and later used to pay off informants in lieu of cash.

Police can also detain the informant later and threaten to charge them with posession if they need leverage.

My girl got spun up last night on Task Force Dope.

Shorty in jail and Dee holed up high on Task Force Dope.

by Joker_310 June 20, 2022


Situation normal. Working in accordance with one's pay rate. Also see semi-tasking.

This morning I checked my email, and then I moved some stuff around on my desk for a while, and then I checked my voice mail. I was uni-tasking.

by ryan.s August 26, 2008


what most people truly do when they say they are multi-tasking. Mentally setting up a list of tasks to do in rapid sucession to get a multitude of tasks done in a short period of time.

"Oh my gosh, I've got to address this envelope, put the clothes in the dryer, check on the spaghetti cooking, and make sure to TiVo my shows."

"Better start mini-tasking."

by pharmgrl2001 February 21, 2010