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when your delusional and have hallucinations

she needs to go to a mental hospital because she has delusionations.

by bunanakidd July 31, 2018

Delusional dumbass

Someones whos dumb as hell but thinks they are 200 iq genius whos better then everyone

“Jim just said new york is a country confidentially and is arguing with everyone who disagrees”
“What a delusional dumbass

by Whhwhwhwhss October 11, 2023

Delusional kick soccer ball

Fight against delusional people for your rights.

Im going to delusional kick soccer ball

by Ah'mya Hitchcock April 21, 2022

Delusional Whore

A bitch who think she the one who’s really the two… if not eighth.

Delusional whore:

“Your not as important as you think you are” -future

In other words a bitch named shylah

by Futures preacher February 4, 2023

delusional whore

A bitch who think she the one who’s really the two

… if not eighth.

Delusional whore:

“Your not as special as you think you are”


by Futures preacher February 4, 2023

delusional boy

Delusional boy: a boy who has delusions thinks something is true but isn't

e.g. Jayden thinks he has a big dick

i said he is a delusional boy

by @nicky November 16, 2018