Source Code

Oatmeal Kiss

When a couple pisses, cums, and shits in a bowl, then mixes it to the consistency of oatmeal. One then drinks from the bowl, and they start making out with tongue.

Dude 1: My girlfriend wanted to oatmeal kiss last night.

Dude 2: Lucky motherfucker

by FuckmeKazuha January 27, 2022

Apples and Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal

The best oatmeal ever created, no other oatmeal even comes close to how good it tastes.

Dude1: hey dude have you tried Apples and Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal?
Dude2: yeah bro its the best thing ever!

by Zeth the angery gay March 17, 2020

Quaker Oatmeal

Adj. Possessing the qualities of one Thomas Regan.

Stop being such a Quaker oatmeal.

by Chanasty February 21, 2014

Oatmeal Cornbread

Idk wtf that is but apparently St3phhArt's mom is making it

"Yay the oatmeal cornbread is ready!"

by Jak33333666 December 30, 2022

Oatmeal trick

When you pull a sick trick using oatmeal, like getting someone to say “thicker than a bowl of oatmeal” in court.

*Spectators chanting*
Oatmeal trick! Oatmeal trick! Oatmeal trick!”
*Whips out oatmeal*

by Oatmeal trickster October 17, 2022

Oatmeal Pie

Describing the resemblance of what a woman of color’s stomach may look like after pregnancy.

“Man I can tell she just had a baby. I saw she had an oatmeal pie when she took her shirt off.”

by Mr Logistics November 12, 2022

Oatmeal people

someone who is so stupid you start to wonder if their brain is full of oatmeal

person 1-Maybeinsert conspiracy theory actually is true
person 2-no that's just stupid
person 1-omg what do you know?!
person 2-fucking Oatmeal people...

by Benun BAD BOY SWAG SWAG SWAG February 1, 2021