Source Code

eating oatmeal from a jacuzzi

Overwhelemed with information or work.

I really need a beer, I've been eating oatmeal from a jacuzzi all day.

by cliffzedge November 17, 2010

Oatmeal Maneuver

When you drift into a powerslide within Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec on the Playstation 2 and don't know the name of the action, so you name it after a grain.

Paul: Woah! How'd you get around my car? I've been in first the entire!
Rudd: I don't know... I guess I used the Oatmeal Maneuver.

by SWNeph September 17, 2020

Oatmeal Rasotweiler

A cross between an oatmeal raisin cookie and a rotweiler.

"Aww look at that Oatmeal Rasotweiler! I could just eat it up! In fact, I just might! NOM NOM!"

by Dog Cookie Man July 22, 2013

No Oatmeal October

a month where no one can eat oatmeal...

mom: honey I made oatmeal for breakfast!
son: wdym it’s No Oatmeal October

by snowflakefrosted November 16, 2020

Oatmeal Kid

one who's physical appearance may be hot, but is actually boring as all hell and nobody really likes them. Even if they may be good for your heart but dear god at what cost??

Yeah, I would have gone out with him, but under that hunkieness he's just another oatmeal kid.

by I want to actually die March 14, 2017

Holding the oatmeal

Another way of saying that you need to throw up/vomit but can’t because there is no where for you or someone to let it out. (The oatmeal part coming from that fact that oatmeal looks like vomit)

Ex1. Oh no... I think I’m gonna have to hold the oatmeal.

Ex2. Jenny needs to leave, now. She’s been holding the oatmeal.

by Someone odd July 6, 2019

eat some oatmeal

a code term for smoking weed

yo man lets go eat some oatmeal

by dkfogksjhfdogisjkdgrf February 9, 2012