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Patchy the Pirate videos ๐Ÿ˜Š

SpongeBoB clips you post, watch, and send on Snapchat.

Patchy the Pirate videos ๐Ÿ˜Š

by babypiratesnapchat2 January 26, 2023

Pirate Vendor

A streetside vendor that sells pirated movies, music, and video games. Often found in SE asia and china.

Bob was selling 10-in-1 dvd's that he claimed to have bought from a streetside vendor in thailand. Pirate Vendor alert...

by Halvor October 12, 2009

The pirate

As you're doing her from behind spit on her back and pretend you are cumming....as she turns around, cum in her eye and watch her say argggg.

Last night I tried The pirate on your sister.

by Snatch master 7 July 22, 2017

the pirate

The pirate position is a unique sex position and it's called the pirate because the man will ejaculate his sperm into his hand and throw it onto his partner's right eye and kick him or hers left leg quite hard so she will jump around like a pirate.

Guy 1: Oh my gosh, I literally did the pirate with her last night!
Guy 2: How hard did you kick?
Guy 1: Hard enough.

by bananen123 July 31, 2017


The act of illegally downloading a piece of media (usually games) from the internet for free, when the media costs money. This does not include getting gifts from someone.

Alexandra: Dude, I want Fallout 4 sooooo bad, but I'm fucking broke.
Chelsea: Just pirate it, I'll send you a link.
Alexandra: Pirating?

Chelsea: Basically getting stuff for free without paying for it.

by Almapie July 27, 2018

Nipple Pirate

An assassin in the order of "the Cuts", run by the First Cut. Nipple Pirates, or the less vulgar term, Chest Pirate, is used to describe a person who kills a person and then takes their nipples to put in his chest.

Example 1: Brett was totally being a Nipple Pirate today, he cut off these guys nipples and put it on his butt.

by Galevekon November 18, 2013

The Funky Pirate

The Funky Pirate was a low-budget club in Haiti, but was never really a club. It was more a place for shady people to do underground deals. The Funky Pirate was made famous when someone was hired to kidnap a French boy for ransom. It closed in 1990 when someone hired a hitman there.

I'm going to the Funky Pirate, for I need to kill someone but I'm not man enough to do it.

by crap house hose May 3, 2021