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Miss Laptop

When a guy spends alot of time on his laptop his girlfriend/wife may get jealous, and call it miss laptop, which derives from the word lap dancer.

your wife/gf may see you spending alot of time on your laptop and say" ooh look at you playing with miss laptop" in a jealous unfriendly manner.

by Snarly June 26, 2010

I’m running an entire bank on my laptop

Typical excuse when shit goes wrong. Even when you’re in the cloud.

Them: why are you getting an error?

You: I’m running an entire bank on my laptop.

by JajajajaDoplhin October 3, 2019

Windows Laptop

A windows laptop is something you spend to much money on and it gets a virus.

Ally: Hey! I got the new laptop!
You: Why is there a flashing screen telling you to call a number?
Ally: God damn it. Stupid windows laptop.

by Sassy mouse in the sky sass April 29, 2020

Laptop Money

Money used for the sole purpose of buying a laptop.

Son: Hey Dad, can I have a Laptop?

Dad: You got some Laptop Money?!

by TeeJay5 July 20, 2010

Felica (Fefe) The Gaming Laptop

Felica is the best laptop in existence she is the bread to my butter the paper to my book the words to my page I love her so much.

Alessio : Hey isnt that Felica (Fefe) The Gaming Laptop you're with?
Me : yeah it is!

Oscar and William: damm felica the gaming laptop looking hella fine ngl .

by Dizzardary October 28, 2022

laptop tossing party

A laptop tossing party refers to the act of at least two people playing catch with at least 2 laptops. While 2 laptops and 2 tossers is the minimum requirement for the event, the event is much more pleasurable with both a greater number of laptops and people.

In order to calculate pleasure derived from a laptop tossing party you will have the variables P = pleasure, L = number of laptops, and U = People.

P = (L^0.31) * (U^0.1281)

Codile: Hey man! You hitting up that Laptop Tossing Party tonight?

Possibly: I don't know man. That last Laptop Tossing Party I attended James was being a real dick.

Codile: So true! Perhaps next weekend then.

by Treeveiasrja December 9, 2020