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zombie tropical storm

A tropical storm or hurricane that is downgraded to a post-tropical low-pressure system that later becomes a tropical storm.

Zombie Tropical storm Paulette has come back as a tropical storm after spending almost a week as a post-tropical low pressure system.

by mlhiss September 23, 2020

Tropical Pusy

Tropical Pusy is an uncommon form of masterbation in which one or more men chop the top and bottom portions of a pineapple. The user then proceeds to cut a hole through the center of the pineapple and proceeds to insert his penis into the pineapple. The pineapple simulats a female vagina.

"Yo, when my mom left the house, you know i got that tropical pusy!"

"My girlfriend left me, but at least i have my tropical pusy."

Related to: grapefruiting, jerking off, pocket pusy.

by Pixxylixy January 12, 2018


Slang for weed

"Let's burn I want to get tropical"

"This stuff is GOOD, I feel pretty tropical right now"

by Mac-peazy June 3, 2021


A Classical and very powerful statement. “tropical”. A word of many words, a word which brings tears to a man’s eyes, a word which brings life into your darkest days.

TCL MEMBER #1: i’m so horny!
TCL MEMBER #2: tropical

TCL MEMBER #1: penis
TCL: *cums*

by Bloody Vcgina July 13, 2021


A Classical and powerful words of many meanings. A tropical penis is in-fact very tropical.

TCL MEMBER#1: omg i’m so horny!
TCL MEMBER#2: tropical

TCL MEMBER#1: penis!
TCL: *cums*

by Bloody Vcgina July 13, 2021

Tropical Otter

A gay man who has light amount of hair all over his body or none at all, has a swimmer's build, but is smaller in frame and weighs considerably less than a bear.

Ryan is cute otter, but he's got barely any body. Oh , he's a tropical otter.

by CobalaRa December 1, 2019

Tropical Bakery

Baked Goods sold on Wuhu Island.

I love the tropical bakery.

by Γαπδθμ Λφπ Δдялειг April 3, 2021