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guess the food game

A game between 2 or more people where there is one "feeder" and "taster", the taster is blindfolded and sitting in front of the feeder blindfolded, who stands in front of the taster not blindfolded and puts different objects into the taster's mouth. Often this is played as a drinking game where for every one the taster guesses wrong they must take a shot, where for which ever item they guess correctly the feeder must take a shot. However another version of this game is sexual, usually ending in the feeder putting their genitals into the tasters mouth. This often seen in porn.

I had so much fun at my Bachelorette party we all played guess the food game...of course there tones of bananas. XD

Dude...I got her to play guess the food game with me last night.

by Daddy GM October 14, 2021

New word i guess

sorry guys i was to lazy to make a new word

new word i guess

wanna learn a new word , nah im to lazy to learn new word i guess

by tdhdrgsrgsergs February 9, 2019

I guess you don’t like me

You just don’t know how hard I have it right now

I am talking to the Jews of UrbanDictionary. They must think I am an annoying dickhead at this point.

I guess you don’t like me

by March 12, 2022