Source Code


Taster (N) - A really ugly girl (or guy) or a really attractive girl.
Taster (ADJ) - A chop packed too tightly out of a thick bong (ex: 9 mil purple illadelph) leaving the taste of a chop in ones mouth.

Taste (V) - A spontaneous collision or reaction resulting in physical or mental shock or (shookness)

Isla Vista, CA

(N) Person 1: Ayy Jason, you pipe that taster last night?
Person 2: of course I piped that taster!

(ADJ) Person 1: You boutta take a taster Jimbo?

Person 2: I already just took a fat taster...

(V) Person 1: What did you think of that exam awal?
Person 2: I fuckin tasted it dude.

by austinfairchild November 16, 2018


One who indulges in alcohol/marijuana/drugs and the like only on occasion-- especially during social events. Tasters do not have as much experience as non-tasters with a given substance, since "tasting" is usually associated with gratifying oneself on a low-intensity level.

(During a toast at a formal fraternity event)
Nate: "Here's a special toast to all the tasters tonight! Let's live la vida loca!"

(During a standard college party)
Mitch: "Man, these tasters are really pissin' me off! They're wasting all our dank. Learn a little somethin' about courtesy and conservation before ya come strollin' through our pad, expecting a free pass, why don't ya?"

by Be The Epitome November 11, 2010

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A man or woman who likes to 'taste' members of the same or opposite sex, particularly while they are sleeping.

Breathing heavily, the taster whispered, "I want to taste you," into her ear, and then proceded to...

by The Terrible Taster September 12, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fart so strong it fills the room. And ya taste it

Dammit Man That was a taster u cleared the room

by T/Roy November 26, 2019


A fart that is so concentrated, other people can taste it.

"Sorry guys, I just let a taster."

by DiskoStikk June 23, 2009

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Ones mouth or oral orifice.

That guy just got smacked right in the taster.

by that-guy November 2, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

street taster

A person who spents a remarkable amount of time with his head on the ground. Someone who passes out easily and/or often due to alcohol, drugs or beatings. Also a homeless person living in the worst way without the ambition to improve.

That jerk tasted the street again. If he can't stand it, he should drink less. What a street taster!

by benzon manzon August 17, 2012