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caramel cake

A tan ass

That girl got a caramel cake bruh YEET!

by Bombsquad April 9, 2014

is there enough space in the boot for a jug of caramelized apples?

a random sentence which can be used at any time to confuse your friends

is there enough space in the boot for a jug of caramelized apples?

by alllyyyyyy April 22, 2021

wedge v caramel

People who have erectile disfenction gamer tag

My dick don’t work add me on xbox it’s wedge v caramel

by Guy killa478 January 17, 2018


The quality associated with an edible product having a very intense caramel flavor.

I don't like this ice-cream, it is too caramelic.

by I'm all about Caramel Candy July 3, 2020

Caramel Cunt

A Caramel Cunt is someone who did anal, and then had it slip in to the vagina on accident, causing the receiver to act angry at the event. Caramel Cunts are mad, and rude to everyone until they manage to take a shower.

"You've been acting like a real caramel cunt lately since you met that guy, Brodin."

by mattexix July 1, 2022