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Your mother.

Daymn, whats up with that erectile?

Dude, thats one fine Erectile.

by dontforgetthewordsdouche April 1, 2011

6πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

erectile dysfunction

The disorder where a man's soldier won't salute.

Sam needs a truckload of Viagra, because he's a chronic sufferer of erectile dysfunction.

by FrenzyMedia February 11, 2016

190πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

erectile dysfunction

When your anaconda don't want none regardless of the presence of buns.

His anaconda don't want none even if there is buns. He must have erectile dysfunction.

by cuz fuck you thats why February 2, 2015

313πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Erectile Projectile

A penis which is full of semen, waiting to explode.

-removes my boxers and my member is a erectile projectile ready to be used-

by Omg_an_erectile_projectile October 23, 2010

Erectile Overfunction

When a penis is attracted to the nearest vagina by a magnetic force. Very powerful on a full moon (almost unstoppable). May result in female being torn in half starting at the vagina and taring through her head, if attraction is to powerful.

Quagmire: "Carl HELP!!! I have an erectile overfunction!!! I don't want any more blood on my penis!!!"

Carl: "I'm a dumb fuck."

by Double Dick Trickle January 8, 2012

31πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

erectile hyperfunction

(n.) Erectile hyperfunction (EH) is a disorder of the penis that causes a man to always have a hard on. Men who are full of themselves and believe they are Gods gift to women are often posterboys for EH. Because they always have a hard dick, they will have sex with just about anyone, including other men and do not feel bad for letting the family pet lick peanut butter off their genitals. Men with EH think having EH is wonderful. They also believe everyone and their mothers want a piece of that. Men with EH are at greater risk for STDs, multiple lives, and crusty underwear. If they are not fucking actual women, you will often find them pretending to be taking a big shit when, in fact, they are jerking off in the bathroom.

In today’s news, a woman who found out her husband has Erectile Hyperfunction and has been blowing loads in hundreds of women for the last 20 years, cures him of the disorder when she cut off his dick and threw it into the alligator exhibit at the local zoo.

by Btwitsjennifer May 15, 2018

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

erectile projectile

A load of semen that a man shoots.

My erectile projectile just landed on my cat walking past :(

by weluvb0g February 4, 2004

60πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž