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party withdrawal

When you haven’t been to a party in a few weeks and are missing that thrill. You’re going through withdrawal symptoms.

“Dude we gotta find a funky this weekend I’m going through party withdrawal”

by kelly_08 March 23, 2022

huda withdrawal

When you do not see a female named Huda for an extended period of time, you begin to develop severe "Huda Withdrawal Symptoms". These include loss of appetite, confusion, depression, oversleeping or lack of sleep, fatigue, irritability, and irreversible psychological trauma.
Symptoms worsen over time, and may be chronic if the lack of Huda persists. The only known cure is to hangout with the person again.

My life feels incomplete and I hate everything. I think I am beginning to develop Huda Withdrawal because I have not seen her in over a week.

by dhosjoe March 26, 2023

Minecrafter Withdrawal

Minecrafter Withdrawal, also known as Minecraft Withdrawal or Minecraft Withdrawal Syndrome (MWS*), is a mental condition that occurs when a Minecraft player (see Minecrafter) either willingly or nonwillingly such as not being able to play it does not play Minecraft for a long period of time. This may be days, months or even years. Symptoms include excessive boredom, increased desire to play Minecraft, (more so in the unwilling cases) and potential sadness and/or aggression.
*MWS is not to be confused with Cosbino's definition of the same word, which is here: Minecraft Withdrawal Syndrome.

Person 1: "I'm experiencing Minecrafter Withdrawal after a few months of not playing it."
Person 2: "That sucks, dude."

by NaixStriker September 8, 2020

Musketeer Withdrawals

When you suffer withdrawals from not seeing your core group of friends often enough.

I haven’t seen my friends since Saturday; I’ve got musketeer Withdrawals.

by 3rdMusketeer November 10, 2018

Wonka Withdrawal

The act of putting warm baby oil in a turkey baseter and shoving it up a woman's ass and violently slamming her mud factory until she produces red chocolate and eats it from you cock like a soft ice-cream cone

Eric ordered a Wonka Withdrawal from Connie the anaconda

by Crissythumbs June 9, 2023

Bob withdrawal

The yearning for normalcy that only a guy named Bob can provide. In a world filled with violence, extremes, political agendas and endless drama a friend named Bob will always remind you that ho hum ain't so bad after all.

Between CNBC and Fox news I don't know what's real and what's not! I'm feeling "Bob withdrawal" coming on.

by NN Ameba February 9, 2019

Kiri withdrawal

The feeling of absence of a friend named kiri when she goes from for the holidays and your apartment is empty.

I am experiencing a kiri withdrawal.

by December 29, 2022