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A kind, sweet, beautiful girl who is also surprisingly outgoing yet lacks self esteem. She loves to hang out and has a personality to die for. Meeting a Connie results in love at first sight for most people, and Connie's are usually asked out on a regular basis. Many other girls are generally jealous of a Connie. Connie's also have great bodies and are usually super hot. Most guys are jealous of the boyfriend of a Connie. Most of the time guys that Connie's dates turn out to be regrettable. Usually, it is said that a Connie will tell her best friends that she would have rather dated the guys she rejected than the ones she actually dated. Connie's are very thoughtful people and if you have one, never let go because you've got a treasure unlike any other!!

Guy 1 -Damn! Did you see that chick? Shes so hot!
Guy 2 -Yea! dude shes all mine.
Guy 1 -You're nuts she'd never date you!
Guy 2 -WTF man I thought we were on a team here!

Guy- Connie, I love you.
Connie- I love you too (realizes later that that guy was totally bullsh*ting her.)

by randomguy156 June 28, 2009

1332πŸ‘ 325πŸ‘Ž


A woman who is extremely gorgeous. she is amazing at making friendships and keeping them, although she is not the most popular person. she keeps to herself. she will never throw the first punch, but you better bet shes gonna throw the last. she sticks up for friends and family, no matter what they may have done to her in the past. all the men want her, but you would have to be pretty special to have a Connie by your side. she loves the outdoors, is the complete opposite of what someone might call a "sissy", and she loves summer.

Connies are usually looked at as awkward and unlikable from afar, but once you get to know her and be around her, she is a friend you will never forget. she is also spontaneous. she is usually not skinny, but far from fat. she is very intellegent, but isnt arrogant about it.

Connie's are the pretty ladies you want to get to know more. all around beautiful.

guy 1: hey is that connie?
Guy 2: yeah, cant take your eyes off her huh?

by that one crazy chick March 27, 2013

408πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž


Connie's are usually absolutely gorgeous girls. They have a love for bright colours and are usually hyper-active. They are known to come out with random things. Connie's are totally unpredictable! Boys are always chasing after Connie's (pffft not fair!!!) Everybody knows that if you are friends with a Connie you are special.
Connie is also a fish name.

Everybody wants to be a Connie!

Woah! Have you seen Connie? Ain't she gorgeous!

I'm jealous of Connie, she has half the school chasing after her!

by PandemoniumPrincess April 29, 2009

1885πŸ‘ 534πŸ‘Ž


Noun. Bubba's wife. A brutally honest, super hot chick that most people love to be around. She's a loyal friend, super mom and all around good person and asset to the the world at large. She's also unintentionally hilarious. She's the most funny when she's really serious about something. She's very intelligent, which intimidates a lot of people but goofy and self effacing which then puts them at ease. Men often stare at and secretly want to possess her curvaceous body. But she's too modest to realize that and wouldn't matter anyway because she's Bubba's wife and he'll kick your a$$!

Have you met Connie? This is Bubba's wife.

by Bubba73Tx September 17, 2019

33πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Connie is the one of the most special people you will ever meet. Connie is at first seen as a quiet and umhumorus girl but once she opens up she turns in to one of the the most funny, sarcastic and beautiful girls you know. Take care of a connie cause she can get emotional and get lost during her time here but never loose her because she will go far in her life and once your gone from it she won’t let you back in.

Person 1 : Is that connie !!
Person 2 : yeah..why??
Person 1 : I hurt her back then but just look at her now
Person 2 : wow.. that was a huge mistake dude

by Definition minion April 22, 2019

53πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A girl who falls in love with the wrong people too quickly. Such a character. Fun loving and extremely joyful, can be a bit badass when she wants to be. Isn't afraid to show her true feelings to somebody. A lovely smile and gorgeous eyes. Doesn't care what people think of her and lives life like it's the last day on Earth. So many men would crawl across the world for Connie, but she falls in love with the wrong people who treat her like shit every time and she ends up regretting her decisions.

Boy: woah, she's so gorgeous.
Boy 1: yeah, she's Connie.
Boy: shall I speak to her?
Boy 1: no, she's like, totally in love with Harry, she can't get him off her mind.
Boy: dang!

by Andreazgonzalen November 3, 2013

249πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž


Connie is short for Constance. You will most likely find a Connie meditating in the middle of the street, running around with a tutu screaming "OYSTER SAUCE", or playing dead in the middle of an elevator. Just because she doesn't give a &*^%. Connie's are fun, pretty, weird, and stylish. If you have a Connie, hold on to her, because she is special.

Thats Connie.

by Maggie Listel June 2, 2009

912πŸ‘ 358πŸ‘Ž