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Caleb Withdrawal

Having withdrawal-like symptoms from your super hunky boyfriend.

I miss you. I’m having Caleb withdrawals 😫”

“I don’t feel well, I think I’m experiencing Caleb withdrawals.”

by NotAnnaThatsForSure August 26, 2023

Squircle Withdrawal

When a group of squircle goers are away from the EOB squircle for a prolonged (2-3 days) period of time and need to get back asap

Dude, I need to see best friend and best friendstress in the squircle, i'm in total squircle withdrawal

by edjde July 22, 2019

automatic withdrawal

Da intensely-unhappy/stressed/fidgety "I really miss dat" feelings dat you get when someone pulls out the clip-fed Glock from yer holster and replaces it wif a simple rotary-cylinder revolver dat allows you fewer shots per loading, and dat you hafta tediously load da shells one-by-one 'steadah just dropping da empty clip and sliding in a full one.

Madea would definitely suffer MAJOR "automatic withdrawal" if da authorities took away her Glock pistol so dat she couldn't "get da gotters" anymore.

by QuacksO September 27, 2021