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My back got lonesome

What you tell your main squeeze to explain why you invited a second hot chick/hunk to come over and spoon you from behind in bed, while you are snuggling your Number One partner in front.

Telling your significant other dat "My back got lonesome" may indeed alleviate his/her emotional discomfort --- i.e., confusion and/or concerns about your wanting to have a "threesome snooze" --- but you should still remember to perform da wrist-twist compromise wif him/her. so as to maintain said forward-located slumberer's physical comfort, as well.

by QuacksO July 29, 2023

got them in the neck

Getting stabbed in the neck With a knife

He got them in the neck

by Random50 November 26, 2017

trey area got fleeced

bro got fleeced in fantasy💀

trey area got fleeced💀💀

by kidcudi30 October 25, 2023

got five

A question asking if you have five minutes to talk, listen or lend a helping hand

Hey, you got five to help me?

by ragnarodin February 4, 2016

we got cousins

To have roaches in your house basically

Grandma:wash out the pan when you make it because we got cousins

Grandma:yk what tht is ? It mean roaches

by Llenwillans123& February 14, 2021

Got me green

To be disgusting

Making someone uncomfortable and grossed out

Nah bruh that bihh ugly Ian smash y’all got me green

by Lil lil chicken bitch June 1, 2018

ive got something brewing

the state of mind in which one develops a plot.

ive got something brewing about this one...
ive got something brewing

by Chalkhorsi2 November 3, 2017