Source Code


It is a meme that includes a random video and a skeleton skull from Skyrim appears somewhere in the video


by sir lime November 16, 2022

surprise appearance

An unexpected appearance by a person to an event that he or she wasn't even expected to attend.

The former pro baseball player made a surprise appearance at the Met Gala in May 2017 with his hubby.

by Silent Jerry June 21, 2017

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sexual appearance

The appearance of men or women (or gay or lesbian)that can be interpreted as beauty or handsomeness, or anything related to sex.

Human will not notice their own sexual appearance until they reah the age of 3 years old.

Linda believes she has much more sexual appearance than her husband does.

by dd2020 May 10, 2009

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camero appearance

similar to a cameo appearance, only way more bitchin'

although always seeking attention chewy fruit-punch has only made a camero appearance in the collective works of the accomplished artist, grinch.

by klausy February 9, 2005

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Counter Appearance

The ability to express emotion, such as love, hatred, jealousy, confusion, etc. without showing any actual signs of the forementioned emotion, and while still showing a somewhat cheery disposition.

Kate: Man...that kid is hard to read when he's expressing himself.
Harold: Yeah...... it's called Counter Appearance

by Kepler Nolan October 4, 2005

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Political Appearance

When your significant other has a party that will be attended by people that you either don't know, or don't care about. You don't want to go, but you go anyway to safe face and/or give the illusion that you don't hate them.

Wife: "You can't do that Saturday, we have that Scrubs-themed costume party at the Smiths' that evening."

You: "I'll go, but I'm only making a political appearance."


Coworker (sarcastically): "So, I'll see you at the holiday party, eh?"

You: "I dunno, I overheard my boss talking about possible promotions. I think it's worth at least making a political appearance."

by sm4k November 30, 2010

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severe appearance Deficit


George Carlin: they’re starting to call ugly people those with severe appearance deficits

by Bigsmoke597 February 12, 2019

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