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Happy, sunny. Something that makes you happy is cheery, and people are cheery when they are in a good mood.

Cheery is an old fashioned term, and is now used primarily in sarcastic comments, where the word "cheery" actually means "depressing."

As in:
"I heard you whistling. You must be in a cheery mood."

Or sarcastically:
"Hearing about that suicide was definitely cheery."

by notanonymous July 3, 2007

60๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Happy, sunny. Something that makes you happy is cheery, and people are cheery when they are in a good mood.

Cheery is an old fashioned term, and is now used primarily in sarcastic comments, where the word "cheery" actually means "depressing."

As in:
"I heard you whistling. You must be in a cheery mood."

Or sarcastically:
"Hearing about that suicide was definitely cheery."

by HarryWinchester November 1, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Cheerie

Truly a unique creature. Commonly found near a PC or Nintendo switch. Their diet consists of chicken nuggies and poutine. For a creature that claims to be funny, humanity has never witnessed a joke. The Cheerie and the Cheerie theory has been increasingly studied since the renaissance.

The Cheerie said "oh my godddd Carlooooo"

by Cheerie fanatic May 20, 2023

Cheery Easter

The proper way to wish someone good intentions on the day of the Resurrection and painted eggs (or, if you're a pagan, the spring ritual of fertilization)

Cheery Easter and a fancy spring dress!

(kinda like)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Happy Christmas from Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

by steelman August 17, 2003

cheery cowboy

When you get tossed off so much that you're banjo string begins to sag

I'm done with hand jobs I'm starting to get a "cheery cowboy"

by Cheery cowboy December 31, 2016

cheery emo

A happy emo kid, very uncommon.

Normal kid: Hey there emo kid

Emo kid: Today I will go outside

Normal Kid: That's a cheery emo *smiles*

by Blane McConnell October 30, 2007

43๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cheerie Theory

The theory that members of the Cheerie clan hatch from eggs rather than parturition. While some members embrace this theory while some do not. People who oppose the Cheerie theory are called Cheerie theory deniers (CTD).

Oh really man? You heard of the Cheerie theory? I am a full supporter of the Cheerie theory. Cheerie theory deniers am I right?

by Cheerie fanatic April 26, 2023