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Edible Arrangements

Edible Weed. Slang for pot infused food

Bro, did you bring the edible arrangements? -Jack
Nah, dude, I was caught baking them. -John

by Crimson Ryoka April 27, 2015

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Arrange them by penis

The desktop icon sorting option that Windows forgot, which would align your icons into the shape of FUK U! <penis>.

"You can't arrange them by penis, I'm sorry."

by thewebsiteisdown July 1, 2008

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arranged shooting

when criminals actually plan to shoot someone instead of shooting someone you dont know... like for an instance you are someone that has done something very bad in there life... so instead they kill him off so noone has to worry about him

Guy: okay tomorrow... we will have an arranged shooting and steal his knife for our collection!
guy2: when are we doing this or wattime???
guy1:tomorrow at 5 bwahahahahaahahahahahahah!!!!

by the lil jon shit 2 September 23, 2010

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Penile Arrangement

The size, shape and overall appearance of male genitals to include penis, testicles, scrotum and pubes

Jake showed us his penile arrangement at the cabin and praise Jesus I didn't see anything past his untamed pubes

by i5racer August 4, 2010

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Arranged from Nothing

A common native Hebrew complementary phrase (in Hebrew: Histadarta Me'klum) which is said to a person that had aquired an object in an unordinary and bizzar (but usually not illegal) method (such as an awsome gift, herritage, something found on the pavement, a job...).

Another possible appropriate situation could be when the person had strangely got out of troubles, again in a very bizzar way.

Other somewhat equivalent phrases:
Earned (Hervachta)
Arrranged (short for Arranged from Nothing)
Organized (or Organized from nothing... Same meaning in hebrew)

1. Upon receiving an awsome gift:
a: "Dude, my parents gave me a Porche to my 18th birthday!!"
b: "Wow! Arranged from nothing!"

2. Upon inheriting an item:
a: "Man, my grandparents died and I got the cool Villa downtown!"
b: "No Way... Arranged from nothing!"

3. Upon finding something in the street:
a: "I was walking down the street and I found a DVD player, right there in the middle of nowhere!!!"
b: "Yo, arranged from nothing!"

4. Upon getting out of trouble:
a: "The highway patrol where right on my tail and they suddenly had a flat tire so they never caught me!!"
b: "Heh... Arranged from nothing!"

by Dubi Zubi January 4, 2008

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Arranged romantic relationship

An approach where an individual chooses a group of people, which may include the person’s family, friends, and close acquaintances, to choose someone for them to get into relationship with. Unlike arranged marriage, where usually an individual’s immediate family and or a professional matchmaker chooses an individual for the person to marry and they rush off a short time later to get married, once the group chooses an individual for them to get into a relationship with and reveals their choice to the individual, the individual and the person chosen to be their partner will enter a courtship phase for time period of between three to five years to make sure they are compatible. Unlike dating, where as more time passes people become more physically emotionally, and or sexually intimate, in an arranged romantic relationship there may be increases emotional intimacy, assuming the two people are compatible, but all of their interactions during the courtship phase are to be held in public settings, not just in the presence of their family and friends, but around people they don’t know, which limits the ability to have physical intimacy down to just hugging, dancing, and maybe brief kisses. Once the courtship phase is up, the couple will meet with the group the individual chose to decide whether they will get married or if things don’t work out, they can still be friends or go their separate ways.

Veronica: Who is that guy Anna is now seeing?
Jenna: His name is Chandler. I heard that Anna is having an arranged romantic relationship.
Veronica: I am not sure what you mean by arranged romantic relationship. Can you please explain what that is and how it?
Jenna: She asked some of her friends and family to choose a romantic partner for her and they chose him. Now she and him will be courting each other over the next three to five years to make sure they are compatible with each other. She can end it if she feels things just are not working out. After that, they will meet with the group of people she chose and decide whether or not to get married.
Veronica: That sounds similar to arranged marriage, except it does not rush the couple to get married and it gives women a lot more control over who they will marry.

by Vanguard 1998 May 22, 2021

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Arranged Marriage Disparity (AMD)

when you are married by arranged marriage, and then you don't love your spouse yet he/she loves you , but in the middle of this some suitor loves you and forms a bizarre love triangle, then you quickly divorce the spouse and be with the new lover.

she's having AMD and she's getting hit on by that hot new stud across the other side of the world!

by John Shin March 10, 2005

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